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- Earth Changes
- As Channeled From The Sun God
- By Tom H. Smith
- Copyright 1992 By Tom H. Smith
- Table of Contents
- Page
- 1 Acknowledgements
- 3 Foreword
- 5 1. Introduction - About The Book
- 9 2. Who Is The Sun God?
- 12 3. Earth Changes
- 44 4. My Journeys Into The Future And The Great Harvest of Souls
- 53 5. What Now?
- 54 6. The Sun God And Christ Responses To Questions
- 59 7. Related Channelings
- About The Author
- Acknowledgements
- By Tom H. Smith
- I do not have many people to thank, but I have many to thank. First, my
- love and thanks are sent to Running Buffalo, Quason Ho Ling, Jerrico,
- Betsy, Dr. Adalai Stevenson, as well as other aspects of them, Red Hawk,
- High On Mountain and Sister Lorraine. These wonderful friends have been
- with me from the beginning. They have had an extremely difficult task,
- but they "hung in there". As a result we have overcome many major
- hurdles together, as we will continue for as long as I remain here.
- These are my personal spirit guides and I love them. Next I wish to give
- a special thanks to Ashtar, Astara and Ishtar, each of the Ashtar
- Command. These are true Space Friends and family who are here to help
- all who ask. These magnificant star beings are associated with the
- Pleiadian star system and are here to share their love and to serve the
- Earth, and humankind if allowed. These serve as inspirition to me and
- their love is always with me, and I love them. There is another star
- being who helps me in more ways than I will know in this lifetime. I
- speak of Voltair, an Arcturian. He is a master teacher, an avatar, a
- gatekeeper, friend and companion. His wisdom and love serve as beacons
- for my direction.
- Voltair is my brother, and I love him.
- Thanks also goes to the beautiful and loving Christ who has not only
- directly contributed to this book, but also is a direct contributor to
- all of our lives. Christ is a friend and brother who is always there,
- and I love him. My loving thanks goes to the energy who is the subject
- of this book and is our home away from home, Mother Earth. I have
- contributed to her pain but I will add to her joy, and I love her.
- Thanks goes to the God Source, the Creator, for messages given and
- included in the book. I dedicate my existence to the One. We all are
- because the God Source is, and I love our Father. My thanks now and into
- the future to a collection of beautiful energies for their love and
- assistance. Some of those are mentioned individually already for their
- separate contributions. I recognize all of these as the Blend of Loving
- Energies, and I love them.
- There is a person, a dear friend who has been more help with the book
- than she may imagine. Suanne Drury is a beautiful person, a highly
- sensitive psychic, a channeler, teacher, healer, but mostly a friend. As
- I have learned to trust in what I have channeled, I also learned their
- are degrees of trust until their is total trust. On more than a single
- occasion, I questioned the possibility of my own interference in my
- channelings. Suanne was always there to touch in with her own sources to
- assure me I heard correctly. My own confirmations were always present,
- but Suanne's immediate responses were like a dose of my favorite
- medicine. Suanne has been a constant support for these and many of my
- other channelings and inspiritions. Suanne may be the most loving human
- I have known, and I love her. My final thanks and appreciation goes to
- the real author of this book, the Sun God. I wish each of you would open
- yourself to the Sun God, the most loving feelings you could imagine,
- exceeded only by the complete and total loving vibration of the God
- Source. The Sun God is a father-friend with the warmth and devotion of a
- mother's heart. Thank you Sun, and I love you.
- Foreword By The God Source
- Humankind has been given a unique opportunity by Me to choose many varied
- experiences on your paths of development. I have allowed these, not only
- for the human benefit, but also for all those energies around you. This
- includes Mother Earth, the plant and animal kingdoms, the sea world, the
- birds and insects, the fairies, the gnomes, all the little ones and
- indeed your entire supporting cast.
- As I have allowed this, I have allowed the most beautiful and loving Sun
- God to oversee the Earth and all that is on it. I have given the Sun the
- power and abilities to have dominion over this same Earth and all her
- inhabitants. The Sun has created and loves each energy within its rays
- of light. The Sun has worked with each of you to encourage and assist in
- your physical and spiritual growth. I do this also, but it is the Sun
- that has asked for and received the ongoing level of love that is needed
- to allow life in this solar system. I ask that you recognize this most
- beautiful and loving creator of life.
- Humankind has chosen as part of your experiences to loose sight of your
- own spirituality. You have chosen as your experience to center yourself
- in the universe and forget that you are part of the one. You have chosen
- as your experiences to use the Earth in a most unnatural and harmful
- way. As you ignore your true spiritual self, you ignore the very aspects
- of you that suggests you must live in harmony with all that is around
- you. When you have lost sight of your inner strengths and awareness, you
- have lost touch with Me. My love for you is complete and total. But you
- must love yourself to be aware of My love. When you do this, you realize
- what power you have and that you need not harm your planet Earth or any
- energy around you.
- The Sun God and I do continue to love you. We also love the Earth
- equally. The Earth has been granted the path to elevate her own energies
- and herself to a higher dimension. She can only do this by removing all
- those vibrations that are lower than her own. The Earth must prepare
- herself by being in her own nakedness, her own natural state. Humankind
- must respect her wishes and assist her in her preparation for the next
- realm. She has been your home, even as you have abused her. It is now
- time to glory in her and give her your love and positive energies. In
- doing this, you help yourself as well.
- The Earth is now in the process of cleansing herself of all negativity.
- She must also purge herself of all human bondage that is in the form of
- harmful vibrations and even the human made buildings that cover her
- surface. But she does this in love. For it is this love that is
- enabling her to move closer to Me. It is this love for each human that
- welcomes you to share her bounty. Humankind can help and I ask you to do
- this. To do this or anything in love, is to love Me. But many may not
- listen to our call for help. So the Earth must cleanse herself. The
- Earth has also asked for assistance of the Sun God and those space
- friends who are pure love and light. All of these beautiful energies and
- you can work together in peace, love and harmony. At a point in time,
- humankind will have to leave the Earth so she may conclude the final
- phase of her cleansing. But the Earth has invited the return of an
- equally loving human to share in her love and beauty once again.
- This book of Earth changes is a gift to each who will accept it. It is a
- gift, for the Sun God gives it to you. With this or your own awareness,
- you have the unique opportunity to change what you can and accept and
- understand what must be changed by the Earth. You have the opportunity to
- use this book as a tool, as a guide. Listen to the words of the Sun God.
- The words are of love and are words of truth. Listen and heed what is
- said. I love the Sun God and I love each of you. I love and am pleased
- with Tom for his loving efforts to offer these words to each of you.
- Listen.
- The God Source
- November 2, 1992
- 1
- Introduction - About The Book
- For those who may not be familiar with channeling, a short explanation
- might be helpful. Except for chapter 4 and chapter introductions, the
- material contained in this book comes from sources outside of me. The
- information has been telepathically communicated to me, which is a form
- of channeling. It is not voice channeled. I allowed myself, my
- consciousness, to become intuned with the consciousness of the Sun God,
- or whatever energy I may be connected with at the time. My focus is then
- on the "voice" I am "hearing". It is not a physical sound that another
- would hear if they passed by me. It is as much a knowing as it is a
- hearing. The more I concentrate my focus, usually the more receptive I
- become as a clear and open channel of information. These writings are
- not my thoughts. I merely become an instrument of the higher vibratory
- energy that I channel. Each time before I allow myself to be used as an
- instrument, I protect myself from all negative energies (I have some help
- here), and I give permission for the positive energy to use me as a
- channel, an extension of themself.
- The channelings in this book are of varying lengths, with some being very
- short. During the times I received information for this book, I was also
- channeling many other energies. For instance, in any one session I might
- channel 2, 3 or 4 different energies, one after the other. This
- sometimes tired me. Other days I simply had difficulty with my focus.
- Consequently, some of the channelings were "cut short". Still, other
- times the Sun God communicated other information to me and only the Earth
- changes are included here.
- The channelings are as they were given to me. The information generally
- comes much more quickly than I can possibly write. I may even miss parts
- of them, but I am told not to worry as I will get the information again.
- This is one reason, but not the only one, a particular location or
- subject may be mentioned in more than a single channeling. I considered
- combining the same locations or events mentioned in more than one place,
- but I abandoned this idea when to do so would alter the context of the
- remaining material. The communications are accomplished through my
- consciousness, which means I must apply my "interpretation" of the
- information given me. This is all done rather automatically and
- generally instantaneously. But the energy still works through my
- consciousness. Additionally, those who channel are often given much
- information for which humankind does not have adequate comprehension or
- vocabulary. Words do sometimes fail. It is usually easier to know many
- of these things in your own mind than to express them. However, I have
- asked that my channelings be kept as simple as possible. Also for
- clarification in a few places, I have included my comments in brackets [
- ]. All else within the text is channeled.
- I offer these communications as they are. Because of the total and
- unconditional love I feel from the energies that communicate through me,
- I have learned to trust in what they tell me. But I can offer no proof
- to anyone that "they" are who they say they are, and the information
- given in this book is true or accurate. I trust it and I believe it. I
- do not suggest anyone accept or believe the material in this book if you
- are not comfortable with it. It is far more important for each of us to
- learn to listen to our own inner voices, our own higher self than any
- other source, including channeled sources. If some or all of this makes
- a connection with you, then use it in your own loving way.
- As the Sun God tells us, these Earth changes are not all inclusive,
- although you will find them comprehensive. There are others channeling
- many of the same things, as well as other details. I encourage you to
- listen to these with an open mind and an attentive heart. The Sun God is
- not at all interested in getting into the "book business". However, this
- most beautiful and loving energy is aware that this is a major means of
- mass communications for us. Therefore, the Sun God asked that I publish
- these channelings.
- Some final words on the way the book is organized. With few exceptions,
- the channelings are in the same order as they were received. Each is
- dated. There is no particular signficance to most of the dates, although
- a few relate somewhat to the events mentioned in the channelings. The
- information was given to me in the same manner as you might have a
- conversation with someone you love. Please view it that way. It is not
- necessarily intended to flow as a novel would. Every time a channeling
- begins, the Sun God offers a few words of greetings, love and direction.
- These opening comments have not been included as they may seem redundant
- by the reader. At the same time I included the closing remarks. This
- may seem inconsistent, but I feel these not only tell you the channeling
- is concluded, but also I love to be told I'm loved. Those who are very
- sensitive to vibrations will feel the love from the words of the Sun God
- and the others. Those who are not so sensitive do not worry. You are
- receiving the same love regardless. Whether or not you choose to accept
- these channelings as truths, the love of the Sun and Earth are directed
- to you.
- The Source And Reason For The Changes
- April 6, 1992
- Today I will begin telling you of changes the Earth will be making in the
- not too distant future. You see, some of those things that are to occur
- are from the energies of certain planets and certain stars. These you
- could say are those changes that were "destined" to be. For this is why
- these planets agreed to this alignment. But many of the other changes
- are changes the Earth alone feels a need to do in the way of cleansing
- and in the way of making herself better prepared for her new vibration-
- the one Tom has been privileged to see. I also add that none of this is
- intended in any way as a punishment. I say this knowing full well how
- harshley humankind has and does mistreat Mother Earth. But the Earth was
- born in love and continues this love. So, all that she does, she does in
- the name of love for the One Creator of us all.
- The Sun God
- The following was in response to the feelings expressed by many of those
- who read the earlier channelings. The Sun God and our space friends had
- already suggested that the channelings be given only to those who had
- expressed interest in them, and not to indiscriminately hand them out as
- they might create unnecessary fear for some and be used as a "turnoff" by
- others. There are others who believe the Earth changes are of a negative
- nature. For these, to read and discuss the changes would only give
- energy to the changes.
- Status of Earth Changes - Who Should Know
- June 2, 1992
- I wish to speak of the channelings on Earth changes. It is my preference
- that all of humankind be made aware of the changes and potential
- changes. What the Earth will do is not negative in itself. Much of this
- is going to happen as the Earth continues its ascent into the 4th
- dimension. In Earth plane terms, the 4th dimension will not last long as
- she will be moving into the 5th dimension soon after that. But this
- cannot occur without certain events taking place.
- Many energies have been making predictions for some time. And many are
- continuing. It is only I and the One Creator who do know what will
- happen. It is only I and the Earth who will allow anything to happen or
- to change. I work in concert with the loving energy of the One Creator.
- I allow the mass consciousness to happen as the mass energies do choose.
- There is a point, though, at which I may interfere. This has not yet
- happened.
- So other energies know and speak of the changes. Many are simply
- misunderstood by those listening. I do not tell all of the changes, nor
- have I given changes to many specific areas. I do this for reasons. But
- Tom's channeled Earth changes are now and will continue to be more
- complete and more accurate than any channelings on the Earth.
- The changes may be perceived by many as "doomsdayish" or simply
- negative. I understand this. But they are neither. People who view
- them this way do not understand the ways of the universe and the God love
- that is creating the energies for the raising of the Earth as well as
- humankind. To say that these changes when read will cause a person to
- draw or be drawn to the negative is simply a misunderstanding by those
- making such comments. But you should respect their perception.
- It is my intent that the more who are aware, in a loving way, of the
- changes that are directly affected by humankind, the better the chance
- that more people will unite in love to stop these very changes. This is
- the free choice of humankind.
- I leave in the love of the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- 2
- Who Is The Sun God?
- One of my favorite lines from one of my favorite movies is "Who are those
- guys?" from "Butch Cassidy and The SUNdance Kid" (my emphasis). This is
- the same thing most of us might ask about the Sun God. Who is the Sun
- God? Is it the Sun? There is only one God, so who is it? You could
- have counted me among the uninformed as well. I even asked a former
- spiritual teacher of mine and, despite her response, she didn't know
- either.
- It is not so much a case of being uninformed as it is of being very
- programmed. I could write at length on this one subject and can produce
- many channelings covering it as well. However, it is precisely because
- of most of our teachings that we have to ask ourself these questions
- about the Sun. Practically all civilizations recognized the Sun as an
- extremely powerful and important source of energy for us. Many had
- special ceremonies and prayers, including the Native Americans. Not all
- civilizations necessarily recognized the Sun as a God, but there was the
- importance of recognition and ceremony. We have been taught that most of
- the ceremonies of our ancestors were about myths and that they even
- worshipped false gods. Since we are a more "advanced society" in every
- way, those teachings have been reinforced.
- I could elaborate more, but I have included some channelings that explain
- far better than I. The first channeling is from the Sun God and is really
- excerpted from two channelings. The first paragraph is part of my
- initial channeling from the Sun. After that I asked the question and
- received the second paragraph. The next channeling on the subject of
- "who" came from Timothy (of Bible writing fame). The last one I have
- included comes from an energy that knows all things about everyone. For
- those who may not be familiar with the name "God Source", substitute your
- own name to describe the All of All, or God, or One Creator, or the
- Supreme Being.
- The Sun God is our Sun. We could not have life on this planet without the
- Sun's rays of light. In fact, there would be no life in this entire
- solar system without the Sun. As humankind begins to better understand
- the spiritual significance of energy, this will mean so much more to us.
- There are additional insights into this beautiful and most loving energy
- in chapter 6, as the Sun God responds to questions.
- Who Is The Sun God?
- February 1, 1992
- I am OF the One Source. You have seen me and know me by many names but I
- am a single energy. You do feel my energies and love in the breeze that
- flushes your face, and the warmth of my rays on your body, and in the
- light beamed by me into the solar system. Yes, I am the Sun of your
- universe. Many have known me for centuries as the Sun God, for I am this
- indeed. But I am not the One God, the One Creator who creates us all.
- I have told you in effect, that I have been called the Sun God by all
- civilizations. Each has had their own name and each has had their own
- rituals and beliefs concerning me. I do not wish to detract from any of
- these for they have all come from the souls of those who believed. I
- will say that each race of people and each person who saw me in the
- divine light should have thought of me as a single energy. I am for all
- things on the Earth and within this solar system. Some day you and
- others will understand what the "High Realm" really means, and how there
- can be One Creator and a Sun God, and others at the same time. The
- ancients understood this quite well. Your modern "civilization" has long
- ago given these things up as pagan practices and even myths. I tell you,
- the truths that are to be written will bring these practices and myths
- back into focus.
- I have told you already that I am not the One Creator, but the Creator
- elevated me to a God level. I do indeed create many things of my own,
- including the human life form and the other Earthly organisms. This may
- confuse many who hear of this but they should not worry with this. For I
- do cooperate with the One Creator, The Source of ALL things. In turn
- others cooperate with me. This includes your space friends, even those
- from outside this solar system. For each cooperates in love, and LOVE
- IS.
- The Sun God
- More Information on The Sun God
- April 21, 1992
- Timothy: You have wondered about the Sun God, even though this God has
- given you certain information. I will give you more information on this
- beautiful and powerful energy. The God Source reached out into the
- depths of space and decided that there should be light. So with only the
- creative love that the Source does have, He created the Sun. It was
- filled with such love that the God Source consecrated the Sun planet as a
- God - a God of creation within its vast regions of space.
- Many on the Earth have recognized the beauty and strength of the Sun as a
- God. But most do not, for they are trained to think that there is only
- one God and to think otherwise is wrong. Still others believe this is
- only a myth and not to be taken seriously.
- I leave in love for you and the One Creator.
- Timothy
- The Sun God
- June 23, 1992
- The God Source: I AM. I speak through Tom in love.
- I also give a message for those who do not know or believe in the Sun
- God. Each person on the Earth is free to believe what they will. I tell
- all that the Sun is a God because I did bless that energy so. The Sun
- God is a most beautiful, powerful and loving energy. I have granted this
- God dominion over all those things within the solar system. This God
- works with Me and the Mother Earth to create all things on the Earth and
- in the stars. The Sun does this with the love that only I can exceed.
- The Earth has asked to be elevated to a higher love level. She has
- earned this and I so approve. But to attain these love levels, she must
- make herself ready, by way of cleansing of unnecessary vibrations that
- only hold her back, and for a physical balancing to assist her new
- rotations around the Sun. I grant the Sun God and the Earth permission to
- use whatever loving means they choose for this cleansing and ascent. At
- the same time the Sun God has decided to channel most of these changes
- through Tom so that all will know, who choose to believe.
- The God Source
- 3
- Earth Changes
- The Earth is a living, breathing being just as we are. Mother Earth
- responds to love and non love just as we do. She is more sensitive than
- most of us, in that she can feel the anger, hatred, and the total
- disregard for others and the Earth that we continuously express. The
- Earth does not feel a bomb exploding as physical pain, or an exchange of
- racial slurs as anger or frustration. She is far too sensitive for
- this. The Earth feels these expressions of humankind as vibrations. She
- marvels at an act of love and shudders from the sharp pain of
- negativity. She is aware of them at the microscopic level. Mother Earth
- is so sensitive, that a poisoned stream in Wisconsin has an affect in
- China.
- The planet we call home is very strong and loves us without condition.
- But there are limits to her ability to endure our harm. She loves us but
- she also loves herself and must consider her own growth. Remember, she
- can grow just as we can.
- Humankind has concluded that the Earth and all life on her revolve around
- humankind, as though we are the center of the universe. Otherwise, why
- would we convert fossil fuels into our major source of power when the Sun
- is clean and free? Otherwise, why would we ravage the forrests to
- harvest the timber? Otherwise, why would we place jobs and economies
- well ahead of care for the planet, the place where we live?
- This is a book about changes. Some of us do not deal with change very
- well. I encourage you to read and pay particular attention to the
- messages that can most affect self change. After you read the book, if
- you are convinced you cannot affect any of the potential changes, I urge
- you to read it again and be more attentive to the reasons for each
- change. If we want to, we can all change.
- The book is replete with change "possibilities", with a few that appear
- to be definite, although few things in the universe, if any, are
- absolute.
- Our thoughts create - we do create our own reality, down to the color of
- our shoe laces. Even as we think, we are creating a reality "somewhere"
- within the universe. Simply speaking, this is exactly how we create our
- individual physical realities. They are first a thought form, which then
- may manifest in a manner as to create or cause us to create an actual
- physical condition or event.
- When sufficient numbers of people think or project a similar thought or
- desired outcome, in the form of a collection of individual's thoughts,
- desires or energies - the mass consciousness, a "probability" of the
- occurrence then exists. The Sun God and others are able to tap into and
- comprehend those other realities and then project a "probable" outcome
- based on the known energies at that moment. Each of those individuals
- have the free will to change at any time. Again, if enough thoughts or
- expectations change, the probable outcome changes. But based on the
- current will of those on the Earth as a whole, and of the various local
- centers of mass consciousness in particular, the Sun God is saying that
- certain cleansings will be necessary to counter the collective thought.
- These cleansings may not permanently alter the collective thought, nor is
- this the intent, but they will help remove the vibrational effects to the
- Earth. Any permanent change is a function of our free will, and no
- positive, loving energy would ever interfere with this aspect of our
- beingness.
- If humanity would only become aware of the self power of thought - true
- empowerment, then we would realize that whatever is happening, or will
- occur in the future, is merely a reflection of ourselves. Conscious
- choices could then be made to change, or not to change.
- The Mississippi River, Southern Hemisphere, Pole Shifts and Himalayas
- April 6, 1992
- So I tell you that the river you now know as the Mississippi will become
- 2 1/2 times as wide. This will be necessary, for it will be washing away
- many of the undesirable structures that occupy the mid section of your
- country. There are many dirty chemicals that must be washed away with
- this. The widening of this river will occur in conjunction with a very
- major earthquake along much of the area that borders this great river.
- At the same time, several of those rivers that empty into this great body
- of water will be rerouted. This in turn will cleanse those areas of some
- of these same things I just mentioned.
- Humankind unnecessarily burns the forrests in the southern hemisphere.
- This is creating an imbalance that will have long standing affects if not
- stopped. If this does not cease, the Earth will quence the flames with
- great floods. This will be unlike any seen in the recorded history of
- humankind, except for the voyages of Noah. There will also be three
- massive earthquakes in this region to seal off the area from further
- distruction.
- There has been much talk of a pole shift and much has been channeled in
- this regard. What has been lost in much of this that humankind can
- have a beneficial or a detrimental impact on this event. There are going
- to be pole shifts.
- This will happen by 1998. If humankind would raise the love
- level, then there would be minimal shifts, perhaps as slight as 8-10
- degrees. Otherwise the shifts would be sufficient to enhance the
- transition of many of those who do not wish to brighten their path with
- an elevated love level. This is in no way a punishment. Such people,
- all people, make choices. Many of those whose choice is not of love will
- be sent to study these matters from a different dimension.
- I will tell you of one more happening before I leave. The mountain range
- known as the Himalayas will change. I say this will occur by the end of
- 1995. Many of these mountains will collapse. They will make way for a
- waterway that is needed there to wash away the ideals of hate for the
- individual. While these ideals may survive the nature cleansing, many of
- those who espouse these beliefs will not. This will open the door for
- continued change in this part of your planet.
- I have said that I would tell Tom of the Earth changes. These are but a
- fun God
- About The Author
- The real author of this channeled text is the Sun God. There is some
- explanation of this loving energy in chapter 2. There is far more to the
- Sun than any human could know or have the comprehension to communicate.
- Tom accepts his own role for this book and feels honored to have
- coauthored this book.
- Thomas H. Smith was born in 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky and is the third
- of five children. He has remained in Louisville except for 1960-64 when
- he was in the United States Marine Corps. He graduated from the
- University of Louisville in 1971, where he earned a Bachelor of Science
- in Commerce degree, with a major in Accounting. Tom became a Certified
- Public Accountant in 1973 and has served in various accounting and
- management positions throughout his business career. Tom has two
- children, a son and a daughter.
- Tom became curious about parapsychology in 1985 and began to explore
- metaphysics in earnest in 1987. His initial interest was in
- extraterrestrial phenomenon, but it soon expanded to many of the other
- facets of spirituality. Tom read all of the Seth material and did not
- recognize the contection between the ET's and the spirit realm. Although
- he enjoyed others' channelings, Tom had no real interest in his own
- channeling abilities, even when he was told he would write and channel
- several books. In November 1991, Tom received his first telepathic
- channeling. Within three months, Tom was telepathically channeling
- several energies and the number grew to 47 by the end of six months.
- These included many of the ascended masters, many star beings, and of
- course the Sun God and the God Source. These energies channel through Tom
- on an individual basis and together as a single energy, who Tom refers to
- as the Blend of Loving Energies. The space friends asked Tom to start an
- ET discussion group which he and a friend agreed to do. Essentially all
- the information they share during these discussions is ch even if there is an emergency.
- Many will not flee, for it is their intent to transition with the rising
- of the waters. This they have agreed to do. This is why so many do
- choose to live in that state. There will be back to back hurricanes that
- will empty the water over the land and whose winds will destroy many of
- the structures. Many people can choose to go within and follow their
- heart's path. Many of these will remain on the Earth. But the floods
- will occur regardless.
- It is not out of hate or punishment that the Earth does call on these
- cleansing efforts. It is in love for herself, humankind and all
- creation.
- There will be no major land mass that is not involved in the cleansing
- process. None! There too will be much flooding in the country known as
- Canada. This will occur as the pole shift does take place. They will
- also have the volcanic eruptions as reminders that they would best serve
- their creator in the unity that many will be asking for.
- There has been much talk and prediction about the western part of your
- country. Some say that California will disappear into the ocean. I have
- heard the energy known as Edgar Cayce tell humankind much.
- I am one of the energies that has directed his predictions.
- There are many of his predictions that are yet to happen.
- I tell you, you will lose California and more people than you can count.
- But be not sad, for this is their contribution to the planet Earth. They
- are focusing their energies on these lands to help make it so. This may
- take place by 1998. I did hesitate with this as it could be delayed until
- 2001. But it will happen.
- I leave in the love of the One Creator of us all.
- The Sun God
- Volcanoes and Darkness, Flooding, Atlantis, And More On Pole Shifts
- April 28, 1992
- It is beautiful and sunny outside this evening, will you agree? Wherever
- I shine I bring joy. And when my rays cannot be seen for a time, each
- person's energies do change. For with my light comes life on this
- planet. But there will be long periods of darkness and no sunlight for
- different places on this planet. This will happen as a result of several
- circumstances. I have mentioned volcanic activity. This will be so
- great in several instances that the Sun's rays will be blocked for weeks
- at a time in vast areas. But this will not be the only reason for
- darkness in some of the same areas. There will also be a great solar
- eclipse that will remain in place for up to three days. Many will fear
- the end of the world when this happens. But this will not be so. But
- many people will be so frightened at these two occurrences that they will
- transition at their own hands. And I tell you there will be other
- strange happenings during this same time.
- There has been much talk and much channeling concerning the water levels
- in the United States. I have said that the great Mississippi River will
- widen. There will be tremendous flooding in the areas adjoining these
- waters. But there will be much water over the land mass called the USA.
- Many people are content with the trends of control by groups and
- government. They have "settled in their ways" in this regard. These
- people are content to focus on the material needs alone. But the water
- will force these people to abandon all that they have in the way of
- wordly possessions. They will consider this tragic. Indeed, many will
- choose to transition instead of living close to nature. But for those
- who remain, their lives will become much richer than they could even
- imagine. This will happen for those who surrender to the love of God and
- learn to live within themself. This I tell you will happen in many of
- your states, too many to list.
- It is also the popular topic to speak of the rising of the lost continent
- known as Atlantis. Indeed this land was lost, lost by mistreatment of
- those who dwelled there. But much of that land does still remain above
- the waters. There will rise out of the water more of these and other
- lands. I say this will occur in the regions along the Mediterranean Sea
- and into the Atlantic Ocean for some 200 miles. But I tell you that the
- continent is not lost. You need only look beneath your feet in the
- eastern United States including Kentucky. It is only the belief in
- Atlantis that is lost. So many people are pinning their hopes for the
- future on the Atlantean treasures and knowledge. I say that these are
- fools. Do not look to the past. Look forward. There are secrets and
- treasures for certain. But these are all within many of you and they
- will be bursting forth very soon. All knowledge is within your own
- souls.
- There will be a pole shift for certain. I have spoken of this. The new
- pole formations will take some time to develop. The Earth will move
- closer to the Sun. Therefore, the overall climate will be warmer. The
- poles will be smaller. As the poles shift and melt there will be
- tremendous waters to spring forth and cover the lands. I will speak more
- on this at a later time.
- Each who reads this will wonder how they will be affected. Most of those
- on the Earth will be directly affected. For some it may only mean some
- inconveniences. For others, their vibrations seek the full fury of some
- circumstances. To each I say, trust in yourself, trust in the love of
- the One Creator, and trust in those who serve with love. You will be
- concerned with your immediate needs, I know this. But keep your concerns
- and love of all as your overall focus and you will be amazed at the
- results that occur for each of you.
- I have much more to speak of in these matters. I will continue to do
- that. I also know many look for dates for the many Earth changes. I
- do provide some. Others in fact, will changes as the mass consciousness
- changes. To put dates on these is a foolish exercise by any energy. I
- tell all to prepare as the Earth does prepare itself for her greatest
- event.
- I leave as one who is but part of the One Creator of us all.
- The Sun God
- The Great Wind, Africa, Light Bodies on Earth, Planet of Love
- May 5, 1992
- Tom has asked me about the "Great Wind" as predicted by Nostrodamus, and
- as he has recently channeled to Tom. I can say that such an occurrence is
- not an Earth change. But what he has spoken of will occur. The winds
- will come from the atmosphere and will sweep through the Earth. The winds
- will have tremendous velocity and power and will be used to cleanse the
- Earth as well. Tom has been told the wind velocity could range from 500
- miles per hour up to 1,200 miles per hour. So much depends on the people
- of the Earth. I do not wish to be precise at this time, for each of you
- can help each other and the Earth. I do say the winds will be moving very
- rapidly across the earth and will have speeds of at least 500 mph.
- I have not spoken much of the great continent known as Africa. I can say
- few countries on this planet have such natural beauty and love and fear
- and hate as this one. There are such extremes in the land. There will
- be new mountains formed on these lands. These mountains will help raise
- the love of the people to new heights. When these formations do occur,
- much flooding will also take place to cleanse the country of many of
- those who are so filled with hatred of others. I see changes taking
- place on these lands-changes directed towards helping each other. I do
- encourage these changes, as they can help diminish some of the cleansing
- effects.
- I speak of so many natural events that many will wonder why the Earth
- simply does not shake everyone off, like fleas on a dog. Remember, the
- Earth is going to a different dimension. She does love humankind. She
- has asked that the people, in the form of light bodies, to occupy and
- live in peace on the Earth. The Earth does not wish to destroy
- humankind. She only wishes to cleanse herself of the vibrations that
- slow her ascent. She wants to help the people in every way she can.
- Many of the Earth changes are for cleansing. Many are for the physical
- balance of the future planet as she takes her new position in the
- universe. The Earth is to be a planet of LOVE.
- I love all as we are all loved by the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- East And West Coasts Of United States
- May 12, 1992
- There will be more people not accepting the changes than those who do
- accept what I say. The more who do accept, the better the understanding
- of the love that is needed to minimize or even eliminate many of the
- Earth cleansings. I do not suggest that anyone talk another into any
- belief. Rather, I do suggest that each treat the other with love and
- this will become the belief-the love belief. All things are possible
- with love.
- So it is with the next Earth change I mention. There will be great
- hurricanes to batter the shores of your east coast and your west coast.
- These storms will even move inward several hundred miles. And there will
- be successive storms, so that those along your coastline will wonder if
- they will ever cease. This will also happen to the European coastline.
- Much damage will be incurred and many lives will be lost. These will
- begin in the fall of 1993. But humankind need only remember that
- acceptance of each other in a loving way will have the most direct affect
- on these storms.
- I leave in the love of the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- The following changes were given shortly after the Chicago sewer
- floodings occurred.
- Nova Scotia, New York, Chicago, Food Supply
- June 3, 1992
- I will continue with Earth changes. As with all the changes, each is
- unique in itself and each is designed in some loving way to cleanse the
- Earth and help raise her vibration.
- There is a land or area known as Nova Scotia. This will be one of the
- future balancing points for the planet. It will not only have mountains
- that create a physical balance for the Earth's rotation, but it will also
- be a great vortex of energy. But there are certain activities that must
- occur before either of these can happen. The mountain ranges will form
- from tremendous volcanic eruptions. These eruptions are intended as both
- a regional cleansing tool as well as the mechanism for mountain growth.
- These eruptions will be felt all the way to your Central American regions
- and well into the Russian countries. This will occur between 2003 and
- 2006. These eruptions will be unusually powerful because of the need to
- extend the land mass outward.
- I have spoken so often of the need to cleanse and raise the Earth's
- vibration. It is really the vibrations of humankind that need the
- cleansing. This is the reason great floods will be occurring over the
- next 8-10 years. Perhaps as humans begin to realize this, and sufficient
- numbers embrace a genuinely higher love level, then many of these may
- diminish in strength. These natural occurrences are merely a
- manifestation of the needs of the people. They will be the growing of
- the seeds sown by the higher selves of the masses.
- I say this for now about several large population centers. New York has
- often been predicted as being destroyed in a nuclear holocaust, or in
- other ways. These of course were and are possibilities. But I do not
- see this as very likely. The mass consciousness of New York is so
- powerful, it could change its course in a single day. This much WILL
- occur. New York will be bombarded by a large meteor shower, with some
- meteors as large as 200 feet in diameter. This will cause considerable
- destruction. It will pave the way for even greater cleansing from the
- sea. The universal shower will serve as a wake up call to those who
- continue to ignore the many love choices that are available to them. It
- will be cause for the people to stop and consider other alternatives to
- the life styles that create such massive negative vibrations.
- Similiar messages will be sent to many of the other large cities of the
- planet. Chicago has already felt the potential power of a water
- cleansing. Yet their focus still remains only on the economic affects
- and not the affects on personal relationships. This water warning was
- delivered to the business community by and large, but the response has
- been only to blame instead of helping each other. The next flooding will
- come from earthquake activity, and it will be even more "noticed" by the
- people. Oh, if only the people could realize their true love and true
- power. There would be no economic issues, for these would be of no
- concern when viewed from love for each other.
- I say these things about the food supply. Humankind, particularly in
- industrialized nations, depends on electricity and fuel driven sources to
- sow, harvest and manufacturer the food supplies. These create tremendous
- damage to the Earth and humankind as well, with the poisons and waste
- spilled upon the land and in the air. But even more damaging is the
- system of controls over the people that this has created. Humankind
- would seemlingly be paralyzed without their manufactured food sources.
- The absolute dependence is there for many of you. This must change if
- you wish to maintain your freedom. There is sufficient food everywhere,
- if each only understood what the human body needs. I suggest that all
- people learn to live off of herbs and organically grown foods, and from
- food from the seas. I will speak to this at length at other times. But
- humankind's physical nurturing-focus should be directed to what is
- available when there are no power sources for food manufacturing.
- I leave in the love and oneness of the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- Dimensional Changes, Hong Kong And Tokyo
- June 9, 1992
- The focus of my predicted Earth changes to this point has primarily been
- of a general change - to countries or mountain ranges. I have also not
- said a great deal about most of the countries outside of the U.S. Recall,
- I did say that all major land masses would realize some changes.
- It should be somewhat easy to comprehend that changes must occur, at
- least to a general degree. Think about this. The Earth is now moving
- into a higher dimension, the 4th [as of July 26, 1992]. Soon after that
- it will ascend even more quickly to the 5th dimension. These movements
- in themself will cause physical vibrational changes in and on the Earth,
- as well as within the Earth's auric field above the Earth. This does not
- tell you specific areas or types of changes, but you can readily
- understand many will occur. Those changes that are primarily of a
- human-vibrational cleansing are almost entirely preventable. This I have
- spoken of as well.
- I will continue with general changes but will also begin to be more
- specific to some areas. Your scientists have been predicting certain
- changes and will continue to do so. Most of the predictions which are
- "purely scientific" in their content, you may choose to forget, at least
- any major ones. Your science simply does not understand the energies of
- the universe. Consequently their judgements are clouded with
- insignificant data or reasons. There will be several open minded
- scientist who will actually be channeling the changes, although they may
- not realize it. But those who are steadfast to their scientific
- limitations will certainly block reception of any channeled input. I am
- saying this as the scientific community will denounce the book that Tom
- will be publishing on the Earth changes. This should be no surprise to
- anyone.
- There are certain other population centers that I wish to discuss this
- evening. Major earthquakes will split the cities of Hong Kong and Tokyo.
- These will be followed within 3-6 months by tremendous floods. The
- earthquakes will occur but the major flooding is avoidable. The floods
- are to cleanse so as to open the minds to true spiritual connection.
- These two cities are very similar in vibration as the material and
- control mentalities are present. Much has been said concerning the
- family values of Japan. But these values are now playing second fiddle to
- material growth and concerns. This has also long been a male-dominated
- society without recognition of equal status to the female, as well as to
- non-Japanese. The recognition of others as equals is the message to be
- learned. Hong Kong is very similar.
- There will be two areas that will change only minimally, as the energies
- there are very good for them. I will not mention these at this time as
- the energy balance could be significantly altered by panic driven
- individuals. I tell you this so you may know that there are places of
- balance on the Earth. This does not mean that some large areas are not or
- will not be synchronized with the solar system. I am only referring to
- country-type areas.
- I leave in the name of love and love of the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- Lunar Eclipse Energy, Warning On Rain Forests, Fourth Dimension
- June 17, 1992
- The Earth has just witnessed a lunar eclipse. The lunar and planetary
- energies are very specific at these times. No two lunar eclipses will
- have the exact same energies, but they will be similar. There are many
- entities that are very familiar with the specific energies. Some will
- use these to their advantage. This may not always be beneficial to
- humankind.
- I mention this for it would be wise for humankind to be aware of this so
- that you can counter with love and with additional protections. The less
- than benevolent space energies are significant users of these lunar and
- lunar eclipse energies.
- There is a country in the southern hemisphere that you call Argentina.
- This is a large and beautiful country. I have already spoken of the
- destruction of rain forests. Humankind can stop this horrible wasting
- of Earth resources. Humankind does pin everything on jobs and global
- economies. You treat these as though they are to be the end result of
- your existence. Humans say that financial concerns are more important
- than the Earth. Humankind cares for the Earth only as a stepchild and
- not as a first born. Your leaders have said this is so. I tell you to
- tell those leaders they were wrong. The mass consciousness has spoken
- through your leaders. I urge immediate reconsideration. Both the Earth
- and I will not allow more senseless destruction of these forests which
- are so necessary for maintaining chemical balances of your planet. I
- will issue warnings very soon.
- And these will be manifested in Argentina. I love humankind but I am not
- pleased with those who choose a path of destruction to Mother Earth. The
- leaders only express what the masses will allow.
- Tom and others are talking of the changes the Earth has chosen. And the
- Earth will ascend into the 4th dimension on July 26, 1992. Many do ask
- how this will affect them and how might they, as individuals, also move
- into this new dimension. It is not so easy a task for those whose
- vibration and love are not at the levels that are acceptable. Remaining
- in the 3rd is certainly not bad in any regard. It merely represents
- non-growth to the 4th. Humankind cannot move into the 4th without proper
- spiritual preparation. You must sincerely recognize that you are not
- separate and alone. It must be a heart and soul level acceptance of the
- oneness of all with the God Source. So I suggest that a person must be
- willing and prepared for this shift. The personal change will occur at
- the cellular level. I will speak more on this at a later time.
- I leave in the knowing and the love of the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- Choices Of Humankind And Mother Earth And Changes In Belief Systems
- June 23, 1992
- The One Creator has spoken and I am pleased. (See the June 23, 1992
- channeling by the God Source in chapter 1.) Everything that I do, I do in
- love of the One and in love for all. I do not think lightly of human
- suffering or of human life. But I know the place for these experiences
- within the universe. I know that each human has asked to be here on the
- Earth at this time. I know the purpose for each. I know all of this and
- I do love each. But I also love the Earth and the other planets that
- help balance the solar system.
- Just as each person on the Earth has agreed to follow a certain path, so
- has the Earth. The One and I agree to help each person as you do ask. So
- to has the Earth asked. And if humankind chooses not to recall its role
- and its path to the One, then so be it. Mother Earth does know and has
- chosen her path to the One. I will assist each when I am asked.
- I now give you more changes that will take place upon the Earth as part
- of her desire to raise herself. You are free to refer to this as a
- raising in vibrations and becoming less dense. But it is really the
- raising of her love level. This is the reason for all existence.
- What I say in the way of Earth changes is not intended to frighten in any
- way. But change does frighten many people as they put their truth in
- physical and emotional security. The churches and religions of today
- give millions this very kind of security. And so it is that the energies
- from the Earth changes will seem to drive a wedge into the heart of the
- sacred belief systems on the Earth. This energy will create such mass
- confusion as to possibly cause the complete collapse of those belief
- systems that are structured around complete control of their following.
- There will even be religious riots and revolts, and the people will not
- understand the reasons for their actions. They will choose to blame the
- economy and other events such as flooding and famine. All of this is
- part of the cleansing that must take place. These institutions must
- break up enough to relinquish the hold on the many. The people do have
- the choice, again, to remain with their beliefs or seek other answers to
- their being. But they will be given these opportunities. All major
- belief systems on the Earth will have gone through this process by the
- year 2000.
- Many of those reading these changes may focus on the physical changes
- that are to take place. But if it were not for the non-physical changes
- that are needed, there would be few physical changes. All would then be
- in harmony and would resonate with Mother Earth. Then the transformation
- would be even more joyous.
- I have just spoken of the changes to religious belief systems. These
- same Earth changes are going to cause humankind to reevaluate all of your
- belief systems, be they religious, scientific, emotional and even family
- values. Many will begin to realize that time is of no value - it only
- constricts growth. Many will choose to hold even tighter grips on the
- control systems currently in place. For these, to loose control would
- seem the same as self destruction.
- The changes I speak of tonight are the changes that must be made. If
- not, then for these there will be no change. To this I will speak in the
- future.
- I leave in the love of the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- AIDS And The Oceans Of Arizona
- June 28, 1992
- There is a city on your west coast called San Francisco. There once was a
- great fire there. This was a cleansing fire and it touched that city
- with the fire element. It caused much damage and also created a new way
- of thinking. But much of that has been changed by that city's mass
- consciousness. At the same time, we are aware of large groups of people
- there who do seek and search for their own freedom, their own reason for
- being. Despite these efforts, so much is done out of anger and deep
- seated hurts. Many are naturally drawn to this place who feel these same
- emotions. While their collective voices are being heard, they do not
- understand that their mass vibration is not of the highest level of
- love. So they draw a non-love energy to them, one that intensifies the
- anger and hatred of so many there.
- Why am I speaking of this? Much has been made of the AIDS disease. Many
- of those in this city have such a disorder. Those who judge and point
- their finger at homosexuals, say they are the reason for this. Those who
- are drawn to this city do also draw this to themself for they do not
- understand that "like attracts like", and they continue to voice the
- anger that spreads this disease. I tell you humankind has created this
- very dis-ease, as you have all your ailments. It is not a disease of the
- homosexuals anymore than of the heterosexuals. All people have the
- potential for this syndrome. Many have chosen it to call attention to
- their own situation and to seek enlightenment for their own cause. But
- in doing this, these same individuals do not anticipate or understand the
- reasons and "mechanics" of mass consciousness. For, if it is not
- directed in a positive way, it will continue to feed on the anger of
- those with the syndrome, and the hate by those for the groups who seem to
- carry it.
- This can change, but only with the will of the people. The Earth changes
- do intensify the very symptoms. There are physical cures available if
- the truth is known. But the same hatred which causes its spread is also
- with those who control the cure. They wish to exterminate what they
- judge as an undesirable group. Only mass consciousness can change this,
- as this is what has created it in the first place. But I tell you, each
- has the power within to cure all disease.
- Many believe that the physical changes to the Earth are the meaning of
- "Earth changes". I have tried to tell you that the physical changes only
- represent the manifestation of the non-physical ailments. All things are
- first created in the mind, in the etheric. What you think is what you
- see.
- I will end the channeling today with the knowledge for you of such a
- physical change. The state of Arizona contains much energy in the way of
- vortices. Many people know that this was an ocean in times past. I tell
- you this will be so again. It does not matter that the energy spots are
- above or below the water, the energy still remains. There is such
- beautiful dolphine energy in several areas, and this will again be a
- place where this beautiful being of light can roam in the physical
- again. And this is the reason for this change to your planet.
- I leave but I love all and I love the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- China And The Middle East
- July 1, 1992
- The countries of the orient will be very aware of the changes. I have
- already spoken of changes to mountain ranges and some flooding. There
- are many countries that run together as neighbors, with China being the
- primary land mass. The people of China wish to have their freedom. They
- are controlled in all possible ways by their government. Yet there are
- many who maintain their spiritual selves in a very disciplined way. Even
- some of the officials retain certain beliefs that relate them directly
- with non-physical energies. But the overall role of the government is to
- control, and this they do at all costs. I have already spoken of certain
- changes that will help free the people. In addition, there will be great
- storms from the sea that will create such flood and wind damage unlike
- any seen to that time. Hurricane winds of 150-200 mph will attack the
- coastal areas and continue inland for 250-400 miles. These storms will
- occur, and only their strength will be affected by the will of the
- people. These destructive storms will begin by the latter part of 1994.
- The efforts here are to cleanse the countryside of the strict controls of
- the local leaders. This will give these people a taste of freedom. The
- storms will also unite the people in helping each other.
- It might seem that the Middle East may escape the pains of cleansing, but
- the Earth has much to remove in these areas. There is unparalleled
- hatred between the different religions and sects. Each has their own
- greed at heart. The Jews are fighting the same hatreds they have
- maintained as sacred rites for centuries. The Muslims do the same. I
- choose not to detail all, for the hatred is the same. These people lack
- love for their neighbor and themself. There will be massive earthquakes
- in such places as Iran, Iraq and Jerusalem. These quakes will open the
- Earth so that it will remove many of the reasons for the anger and hatred
- - the material possessions. These Earth changes will give these people
- the opportunity to work together as one people so they will see that each
- is a child of God and equal in His eyes. There are such strong non-love
- energies in these countries, I do not anticipate an attitude change, so
- the Earth will quake for certain.
- I leave at this time. I love all on the Earth and I love the Creator of
- us all.
- The Sun God
- Love For All Things And The United Kingdom
- July 7, 1992
- You have just heard the beautiful words of Francis** and as a God I tell
- you few energies have greater love than this one. Few on the Earth know
- of the loving beauty of this energy known as Francis.
- It is with this same love for all on the Earth and the Earth that I speak
- tonight. It is because of my love for the Earth that she has been
- granted the most loving permission to raise her level of X love. It is
- because of my love for humankind that I, the Earth, the space friends and
- all the other loving energies help and offer our love and assistance. I
- ask that each person listen - listen to me as the loving and
- understanding energy that I am. Most important, listen to yourself so
- that you may heed what I am saying.
- And so it is that I tell you of the changes to the countries of Europe. I
- have spoken to these before. But I will tell you more. The country
- known as the United Kingdom is surrounded by water. It is an island, an
- island of much energy and much strife. I now tell the people of this
- land mass, that as parts of Atlantis will arise from the depths, these
- countries [United Kingdom] will sink beneath the waters. This is to be
- done for planetary balance. At the same time a cleansing is necessary
- before these land masses seek the cover of water. There will be great
- hurricanes that will be for the sole purpose of cleansing the countryside
- of the negative vibrations of prejudice that are so obvious in these
- countries. But do not fret, for all those who raise themself and so
- choose will be able to flee to other lands. This is as it should be.
- Many will want to know a time for this. I tell you this will occur
- before the closing of the special God-love energy [the 11:11 window is
- open until 2012].
- I leave in love and in the love of the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- See chapter 7 for channeling from St. Francis of Assisi.
- Earth And The Light Bodies
- July 15, 1992
- As each looks around and sees the Earth, the cities, the beautiful
- mountains, you see many of the things you have expected to know as part
- of the planet. Practically all that you see is part of the programming
- each of you have received since the beginning of this incarnation. Quite
- naturally, each of you have such a reference point to what you know from
- this lifetime. And unless you have been privileged to see into or travel
- into your future, you can only assume that the Earth will continue in its
- present direction. Many are becoming aware of the harm you are doing to
- the Earth. So perhaps some can see a certain amount of healing that will
- be done as more become aware.
- It is not at all surprising to me that many cannot accept the changes
- that I have been channeling through Tom. Many others can see the
- possibility of these happening and a few can rightfully accept most as
- inevitable. The only problem with humankind's reference point is that
- the Earth is changing to something that it never was before. It is going
- to to a light-bodied dimension. It will be a planet of light bodies,
- nothing ever before known as inhabiting the Earth. No one on the Earth as
- of this very moment will be such a light body. No one on the Earth as of
- this moment will be a permanent citizen of the planet when this
- transformation is completed. Each will have a home but it will not be on
- the Earth. This is not to create fear but to give each a glimpse of where
- the Earth is headed. Humankind will be invited to be inhabitants but as
- a light body which will be a compliment to the planet herself.
- Tom has seen and been to the future as have others. These people do
- know. I ask that you listen to them. There will be no great mysteries
- if you are open to believe and to trust. I and the God Source do not
- wish that anyone be at all in doubt as to the beautiful development and
- growth that is here for all to take. It is so difficult for a humankind
- so inbred with all the 3rd dimensional beliefs of industry, religion and
- materialism to comprehend what is unfolding before you. It is difficult
- but it can be understood. Understand this - I love you as does the One
- Creator and as does the Earth. It is with love that we all choose to
- ascend to a point or level closer to the One God. It is time for this.
- Love God. Love yourself. Love each other. With love all things are not
- just possible but probable.
- I will be telling you more of these changes that are to come. But you
- can also hear it from others. I leave at this time. I love each of you
- and I love the One Creator of us all.
- The Sun God
- Brazil And New Zealand
- July 28, 1992
- Brazil is a country that has encouraged the destruction of some of its
- forests. I have spoken of this already. This country will also have
- much volcanic activities. There will be one volcano in particular that
- is waiting to erupt, to not only cleanse the Earth around it, but also to
- light the way for the brief return of those from space. These space
- friends have some very specific work to do to this area of your world,
- but there must be a cleansing to occur first.
- New Zealand will be covered with water. This represents a clearing away
- of many established beliefs. But it is primarily to assist in the
- physical balancing of the Earth as it speeds into the 5th dimension. I
- say this for those who inhabit that land to leave if they so choose.
- This is not a punishment in any way for these people. Those who are
- there are of the vibration to assist with the covering of water. Even
- though these have chosen this path, they may also decide to leave if they
- heed these words.
- I will be very specific about certain locales, including the USA. This I
- will do so that, as many who choose to do so, may take the changes that I
- give in a serious way. I do not want to catch anyone by surprise. I
- want all to be prepared, by preparing yourself as a temple of beautiful
- love for all things. I am not interested in selling a book or any
- publication. But a book will be a major way to spread the word to all
- those on the Earth.
- I love all on the Earth and I love the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- Love, Not Aggression, Is The Answer
- August 10, 1992
- It is with interest, love and amusement that I observed the acceptance or
- non acceptance of my recent responses to certain concerns. I say
- "amusement", but I mean it in a very loving way. Each person must
- determine what is acceptable to themself and how each is to assimilate
- what is heard. I understand the human need for references and
- relationships. This is part of the physical existence, at least up to
- this point on the Earth.
- I will make these few points at this time. The space friends could quite
- easily put their "foot down" and stop all aggression, be it human made or
- of an ET origin. These positive energies have the power to completely
- and totally control the entities who are helping bombard the Earth with
- negative energies. But this is not the way of love. It is not the way
- the God Source has asked us to show our love for the One. It is not the
- way of your space friends. Love is the answer. It is the only answer.
- Those who participate in the "other" approach will know this at some
- point in their existence. Balance is required. A million "years" of
- negative actions will require at least that much in positive, loving
- activity as balance.
- So it is best if all of us can help each of you come to this same
- realization. I love all on the Earth and I love the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- Louisville, Ky and Havana, Cuba
- August 11, 1992
- I will speak directly to some very specific Earth changes. As I recently
- channeled, I will provide some very specific details so that those who
- listen may be more attentive to Tom's writings. Each has the choice and
- this is not intended to undermine that. I know there are those on the
- Earth who would not believe in these writings regardless. To these I
- bless and send on their path, and I do love them. There are others who
- wish to believe but need a "sign". Therefore I provide this to you at
- this time.
- Tom's hometown, as you say, is Louisville, Kentucky which is in the USA.
- This city, this region is indeed a place of high energy. By this I mean
- there are many vortices that cross and touch in at this location. But it
- is also a region that needs much cleansing, for the natural vibrations of
- love that are focused here are not being harnessed. The materialistic
- energies of so many people here are creating very strong counter
- energies. This is most harmful to the Earth. There are institutions in
- this area that pride themselves in judging the sinners. They pride
- themselves in refusing to open to the real needs of the people. This is
- most harmful to the Earth.
- This city that has its silhouette along the Ohio River will crumble and
- fall. The many buildings that paint the sky with their offices will not
- be tall when the Earth quakes so strong that no one can stand. Two of
- the bridges that take people to Indiana from Louisville will not stand.
- Only the third, known as the Sherman Minton bridge, will be allowed to
- remain so loved ones may move back and forth. This will happen by the
- end of 1994. This city and its surrounding communities will be deluged
- with a great flood at this very same time. The water from the Ohio will
- spill forth into the streets, as what is called Fourth Street will open
- up and be like a canal. With these events the people of this region will
- have to look at themself as equal to all others, and they must learn to
- set aside the material things. For they will be without the conveniences
- and wordly pleasures many have taken for granted. And from this
- destruction, this beautiful region can learn to work together and love
- together and grow into one of the strongest spiritual centers in the
- world. From the rubble and the massive transitions that occur, this
- region can choose to become the light center it has agreed to be. But
- this can only happen when each recognizes that the physical needs are
- only to support the spiritual expressions. True brotherly love can be
- the survivor.
- The other region I wish to draw your attention to at this time is the
- city called Havana, in the country called Cuba. This region still clings
- to the total control over humankind, and they do create this for
- themselves. Those in this city say they long for a peaceful and loving
- community. This city, too, will bare the wrath of a massive earthquake.
- It will be so mighty that not a single major building in the city will be
- left standing. Many thousands of people will choose this time to
- transition. Immediately following the earthquakes will be major
- epidemics that are part of the cleansing process. The people need to
- realize that no one person, no one thing has to be there to have control
- over them. These people must learn that they are responsible for
- themself.
- When this cleansing is complete, it will open the country to those who
- wish to assist their brothers and sisters in a most loving way, to learn
- to love themself and have respect for the Earth and their fellow human.
- I tell you this will happen, and other things as well. Many of the
- surrounding areas will be affected in very dramatic ways. This too will
- happen, probably by the end of 1994 but no later than mid 1995.
- These Earth changes that I have mentioned tonight are part of the
- cleansing that is necessary to make the Earth ready for its 5th
- dimensional climb. These are not punishments in any way. Let those who
- heed these words, do so with an open heart, an open mind and with love.
- Let all of humankind bond together in a loving way and let the collective
- loving energies propel the Earth and yourselves into the next dimension.
- It can be done so easily. Love is always easy.
- I leave at this time. I love all things on the Earth. I love the One
- Creator of us all.
- The Sun God
- The Earth Has Her Rights Too
- August 11, 1992
- The God Source: I AM. I love you.
- It may seem difficult for those who listen to the Earth changes and
- wonder about the danger to themself and those they love. Many may say a
- "just God" would not do this. These words are often heard by Me. If only
- each of you would realize that your Mother Earth has the right to be free
- from harm and free to move to a higher state, then perhaps you would not
- be so quick to blame or judge. Each of you agreed to be exactly where
- you are. You did this with the full knowledge and understanding that
- great changes are to occur. You did agree to be part of those changes.
- Each of you has as much of an opportunity as all others to open your
- heart and soul to love and to the light. I am most pleased when you
- expand your own level of love to sincerely include yourself and all
- others. When each does this, you then can joyfully join in the
- celebration of your own growth. Then, together we can all feel the love
- of oneness.
- I ask only that you strive to love to the best of your individual
- abilities. For when there is total individual love, there is universal
- love. Do not complicate your life. Live it in pure, simple love.
- I leave at this time. I AM LOVE FOR ALL THINGS.
- The God Source
- Hurricane Andrew just recently swept through southern Florida then onto
- the Louisiana coastland.
- Hurricane Andrew, Antarctica, Living Off The Land, Alternative Energy
- And Costa Rica
- August 31, 1992
- Your country has just witnessed the cleansing power of a hurricane. This
- has been a part of the process, yet just a warning or preparation to
- allow minds and energies to begin focusing on the real issues of life.
- As you have been reading, most people are not ready to love together and
- work together. This is a shame, but it is their path. But I have seen
- many others open up in exactly the way I had hoped. To these I am very
- pleased. I encourage this to continue in spite of the high emotions
- and typical bureaucratic motives and actions of many. It seems that
- most of you have major adjustments to make and I encourage you to
- begin. At the same time, continue to shine and grow in the most positive
- and loving spiritual way. For it is these energies of love that will have
- the most dramatic affect on the Earth changes. Love remains the key.
- As for other changes to occur, I have spoken before of the pole shifts.
- This will have a most profound affect on the planet as a whole. But
- Antarctica or the South Pole as most know it, will warm and create
- tremendously high water levels with its melting glaciers. Some of this
- has already begun but not at a rapid rate. The waters and ice meltings
- will produce great tidal waves that will completely devastate the land
- masses to which these tidal waves connect. There will be one wave after
- another until the avalanches cease and the ice is well on its way to
- melting. Because of their tremendous depth, the melting will take many
- years to complete.
- The melting of the poles will also uncover many true treasures of nature
- and will awaken certain parts of nature and certain life forms that many
- have thought were only tales from books. Humankind will be amazed at
- these new discoveries, yet this will certainly be tempered by the many
- changes occurring elsewhere, and no doubt physical survival will be a
- major issue for many.
- This leads into the next area I wish to mention. It is not my intent nor
- is it Mother Earth's to deliberately and very specifically cause people
- to suffer physically and have great fears. This is a physical existence
- though, therefore you are subject to physical laws as well as
- inconveniences due to the changes. The Earth would have changed or
- ascended to the 5th dimension regardless. But it is humankind that has
- chosen a certain lifestyle at the exclusion of certain other knowledge
- and ways of existence. Consequently, there are going to be many
- "natural" repercussions from the changes. It is how each learns to deal
- with these that is so important. Witness your Florida area in the
- aftermath of Hurricane Andrew. So many of you have turned the
- responsibility for yourself over to others [such as the government or
- other help agencies]. This increases the inconveniences at times, such
- as with this natural event.
- Each would do well to learn how to live off the land. By this I mean to
- take advantage of the many natural resources the Earth has available to
- you, even as humankind destroys and pollutes many others [natural
- resources]. Here I speak of the naturally clean waterways and
- underground springs. Learn to know and appreciate the tremendous number
- of herbs and natural growths that can be used as food, medicines and
- shelter. The human body was created with the full appreciation for
- eating the things that nature provides. The human made processes and the
- artifical reproduction of the food chains, have caused many of your
- current health problems. You think that your bodies have adapted, but
- they really have not. Your medical professions are getting honest but
- erroneous readings from the bodily systems of the people. They have been
- doing it so long now, they actually do not have a true reference point
- for a healthy, functioning body. Some do, but these are ever so few.
- It is past due for humankind to develop alternative fuel sources. There
- is no need to burn and use the fossil fuels. There is no need to have
- the huge industrial complexes. These are part of those built in controls
- that the Blend of Loving Energy** has recently channeled. Humankind has
- a false sense in the need for technology and "advances". You are moving
- in the totally wrong direction.
- It is most important that each one of you learn the basics of life,
- living and survival, but in a loving and helpful way. There are those
- elements or energies currently in your society, as well as others to
- arrive [from other planets] who will encourage you to continue your
- dependence on the technologies of the future. These same energies wish
- to continue that control over you so you cannot see or know your true
- self, your true spiritual beingness. They believe this can not only
- deter your spiritual independence (if you continue in their control), but
- hope to change the desired course of the planet Earth. I encourage you,
- each one, to at least listen with an open mind to the channeled words of
- Tom and many others whose goal and interests are to serve humankind, the
- Earth, and indeed the positive aspects of the universe.
- On the subject of alternative energy, I am the source of unlimited energy
- for all the planets in this solar system. The Sun is a free and perfectly
- clean source of energy.
- The technology is already on the Earth to produce electricity at
- almost no cost and in a most efficient manner. This information needs to
- be shared and is for all of humankind. Additionally, your space friends
- will be giving you alternative ways to harness the Sun's energies. They
- will share this for they love the Earth and humankind.
- So I have given you some ideas and suggestions on ways to grow and
- develop. But it remains within each of your domain's to accept or
- reject. Of course there are many ways to live in harmony with your own
- bodies and the Earth body. But each of you would be wise to explore
- these.
- I will conclude this channeling with an Earth change. The land of Costa
- Rica is needed as a balance to the new orbit and spin of the Earth. This
- land mass will rise up as mountains will "grow" to assist in the physical
- balance that I mentioned. This will occur as a result of tremendous
- volcanic eruptions. This land will have twin mountain tops that reach
- well into the clouds. But to do this, those occupying this region must
- leave or fall victim to nature's calling. Many will transition as they
- have agreed to provide their energies to assist in this mountain growth.
- But others may choose to leave. There will be a series of three
- eruptions in order for the mountain growth to be complete. This will
- begin in 1998 and be concluded by 2006. During this time, these lands
- will be uninhabitable.
- I leave as I am a God of love for the Earth and all those on it, and for
- the One Creator of all things.
- The Sun God **
- See chapter 7 for channeling from the Blend of Loving Energies.
- A Lesson On Mass Consciousness, Houston, Germany, And Living Off The Land
- September 7, 1992
- Tom has recently visited Chicago and I have spoken of this city before,
- as a typical large population center, and specifically as a certain
- energy city. As large groups of people gather to live and to work in a
- particular area, there are many subtle energies at work. There are
- people in Chicago, for instance, who are quite wealthy in physical terms,
- and there are those who consider themselves proportionately
- impoverished. There are those who live "fine, upstanding, law abiding
- lives", and there are those who are heavily into crime. Those I have
- just mentioned may not agree that they are congregrating or living in the
- same area for some or many of the same, common reasons, but they are, or
- they would not be there. This is part of the workings of mass
- consciousness and the law of attraction. It is not the crimes or the
- high standards of living that are the common attractions. No, there are
- energies much more subtle than this "at work" here and everywhere.
- Most of these people do not realize what their consciousnesses are
- doing. Your consciousnesses are creating that very same series of crimes
- and that high corporate income for the plush living arrangements for
- some. So, if the people could only realize they are creating the whole
- consequence of events, then surely they would know they can just as
- easily create another desired effect. If they choose, they could create
- total harmony among themselves. Then they could choose to break down the
- racial hatreds, the crimes against the young or elderly, the political
- disallusionment - all of these could be changed. This is not just
- available to a eutopian society. It is available to all in Chicago, or
- anywhere, who collectively pronounce it to be so.
- As I have said before, the mass consciousness can create a most
- harmonious mood and relationship to those on the Earth. And this loving
- harmony can affect the Earth in a most positive way to ascend to its
- future dimension. This in turn can change many of the cleansing Earth
- changes I have spoken of. This, humankind should think of and consider
- in the most serious way. But without the collective harmony of the mass
- consciousness, the Earth cleansings will be necessary.
- Houston, Texas is a large thriving metropolis. It is a city that has
- grown as a result of abusing the land, the Earth. Many might suggest that
- the people here simply learned to live off the resources the Earth has
- provided. But I tell you the Earth did not provide the oil and the gas
- so that it could be used to harm herself. There is a reason for such
- minerals, but to be burned and help destroy the environment and the
- atmosphere is not one of them.
- This city will be reduced to the land on which its tall buildings do
- reside. The people of this area must come to realize that the Earth is
- more important than the jobs that in themself harm this planet. The
- Earth did not invite [from her beginning] the different life forms to do
- her harm, but to enjoy her beauty. So for this city [Houston], the Earth
- is going to heave and shake and the needle of your seismographic
- instruments cannot measure the strength of such quakes. There will be
- few who survive this trembling state or condition, since the arrogance of
- those towards the Earth is attracting the necessary cleansing forces of
- the planet.
- I will turn my attention to the Euorpean nations, in particular the
- country of Germany and those countries that surround it to the south and
- east. Wars ravage not only the countryside but also the spirit of love.
- Hatreds can build and can then be translated into an industrialization
- that has no consciousness. So it is with the desire of many of these
- people, to build the best and most efficient mechanical and technological
- processes on your planet - and to do this with no regard for the planet
- or the people as a whole. The cities of Munich and Berlin stand for the
- human made symbols of total and exclusive power. Earthquakes will ravage
- these regions. The entire industrial complex will be halted so the
- people can work closely with the Earth and learn to love and nourish this
- most sacred resource. And the chorus of hate vibrations must be changed
- to accept all nations as one people.
- There will be tremendous floods that follow the Earth quaking as the
- skies empty their tears of cleansing on these areas of the planet. These
- events will begin in 1996. These countries must learn that rebuilding is
- a rebirth-within process and not the building of new walls and factories
- to continue as before.
- I have spoken of a great meteor strike to New York City. A similar
- occurrence will happen to the Russian city known as Moscow. The meteors
- will be of such size, and impact with such force that entire
- neighborhoods and blocks of buildings will disappear. In turn, these
- will create secondary destruction from the shock waves and the tremendous
- impact. This will occur regardless of the mass consciousness as these
- great meteors are already aimed at the Earth. And it is fitting that a
- people who promoted the fear of missile destruction should feel the
- affects of missiles from the universe. The attitudes of force must be
- changed for all those who accept and respect humankind as a species of
- free will. Force is not an acceptable virtue of the God Source, at any
- level and at any point in the universe.
- I will conclude this channeling with some kind words for those who live
- off the land, and live in true harmony with that land. This is a path
- these have chosen. You have learned and perhaps are learning that there
- is bounty and beauty in the love of the Earth and respect for all life.
- It is you who the rest will turn to for help and advice on how to survive
- on this planet. It is you who the Earth and I will bless as you make
- others aware of the true riches of nature. It is you who many will rely
- on to assist in times of need. The Earth and I ask that you help in the
- same harmonious way you live, but also recognize that you should not over
- extend your own limitations. For this is the life you have chosen and to
- prostitute that harmony with nature might be reflected as a return of
- ingratitude. So I bless you and encourage you to continue your harmony
- with the Earth that gives you a home and nourishment.
- I love this planet Earth and I love humankind. I love the One Creator of
- us all.
- The Sun God
- Hartford, Conn, Alaskan Pipeline And The Ozone Layer
- September 21, 1992
- There is a city called Hartford, Connecticut that is similar to many in
- its vibrations concerning the spirituality of humankind. This has led to
- the "typical" feelings concerning the need to prepare themselves for the
- coming of certain planetary events, and the value most there place on the
- harm to the Earth. The general feeling in this community is to maintain
- the status quo when it comes to improving environmental issues,
- especially when this may impact the job market. Of course this kind of
- attitude must change in order to redirect the mass focus of the people
- towards the "saving of the planet". This city will come to a standstill
- as it receives a snowstorm that will place up to 4 feet of snow on its
- ground in a two day period.
- This will be followed by a deep freeze that will not allow the
- snow to melt for three weeks. Many of those who choose the street as
- their home will not survive these conditions. The food chain will be cut
- off as will the water supply. All of these actions will encourage the
- people to exist quietly and to take advantage of this time to listen to
- themself, and to focus on what is really important to them.
- Six months later this will be followed by an earthquake that will leave
- many homeless. Many will choose to make their transition at this time.
- But those who "survive" will be reminded of the hard times from the
- snowstorm and how many have not continued their spiritual growth from the
- big snow. They will be reminded that they "easily" set aside what they
- could have learned but chose not to. The earthquake will measure between
- 7.5 and 8.0 on your Richter scale and the damage to life and property
- will be massive. This will occur in 1996 unless the collective
- consciousness of the people can change towards a more loving and
- harmonious vibration.
- There is an oil pipeline that carrys oil from Alaska to mainland USA.
- There will be such ground movement along this line as to completely
- interrupt the flow. There will be much spillage into the Earth until the
- line can be turned off at its various control valves. This will be a
- reminder to humankind that there are alternative power sources available
- if you only support their use. The oil pipeline will not be repaired for
- use for at least two years, as this line will be broken in many different
- locations. The ground will be altered in some of the locations.
- There has been much written and discussed about the protective ozone
- layer surrounding the Earth. I assure each who doubts that this is a
- reality. Humanity has contaminated the atmosphere with the poisons that
- can damage this most necessary protection from radiation. Humanity is
- destroying the vegetation that is required to resupply the necessary
- gases that repair the ozone layer and that are needed to help sustain
- life on your planet. As the damage to this protection layer continues,
- you will see the affects on you with a further breakdown of your immune
- systems and extensive damage to your food supplies. Humankind continues
- to show how truly advanced you are, as you deliberately commit suicide to
- yourselves and you planet - and you are concerned about keeping a certain
- level of employment. You want employment opportunities for the people
- but you universally overlook your LIVING opportunities. The Earth and
- the space friends will step in at a point to help rescue the planet from
- this destruction and negligence. But you can serve yourself and the
- Earth well by recognizing the Earth is far more important than jobs and
- economic opportunities.
- I love all on the Earth and I love the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- Africa, Korea, Cambodia And Vietnam
- September 22, 1992
- Africa is a beautiful and large series of countries. I have mentioned
- this country previously. There is much strife and anger there. This is
- one of the Earth's oldest civilizations and the hatreds have been there
- for a long time. But these were accented and accelerated when the
- Christian community went there to change their "pagan" ways. It has been
- through the introduction of these teachings of judgement, guilt and
- control that the Africans have come to believe that some are superior to
- others. The loving intent of the Christian missionaries was overshadowed
- by the controls placed on the people to live a certain regimen to please
- God. When humankind judges humankind against any religious standard,
- humans immediately begin to create differences and then prejudices. Many
- "holy" wars have been waged in Africa. These have deepened the wounds of
- hate.
- To conclude my earlier references to Africa, Kenya and surrounding
- countries will suffer massive flooding. The waters will rise with such
- speed that those in low lying areas will not have time to seek shelter.
- Many will make their transition. This is true in the cities as well.
- This cleansing will give those who survive every opportunity to return to
- the love of the Earth and acceptance of each other. For they must also
- prepare for the affects of the pole shift. The weather patterns will
- change drastically. During this transition, there will be much rain
- which will turn to snow as the warmth of this region leaves. The wildlife
- must migrate to a warmer climate or not survive. When these changes begin,
- this dark continent will be changed and have a totally different
- environment and physical look.
- I have not spoken about many of the countries in Asia. Practically all
- land masses will be changed in some way. The Koreas' represent much
- human hatred as the ideologies literally clash. Each must learn
- tolerance and acceptance of the other. The current states of being are
- doing much harm to the Earth by way of their negative vibrations. These
- people must learn there are no human boundries and that each should
- accept the other. To this end, there will be great floods starting in
- 1997 that will inundate many towns and cities. The water will not
- recognize any kind of land separation of the people. These waters will
- devastate without distinction between the North and the South Koreans.
- The death toll will be in the hundreds of thousands. Much cleansing will
- take place so that each can accept the other as equal.
- Cambodia and Vietnam will suffer floods similar to those of Korea. As
- their monsoons begin, many will think they will never end. There is much
- hatred and control on these lands. These peoples will be given the
- opportunity to accept the individuality of the human being. This too
- will occur in 1977.
- I love all those on the Earth and I love the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- Do Not Forget Why You Are Told Of The Earth Changes
- October 6, 1992
- I will speak of additional changes. As many as I have already given, it
- should be understood that these will not cover 1% of the actual changes.
- There will be changes to practically all locations on the Earth. It is a
- cleansing and a preparation by the Earth to graduate to a higher level.
- This does not mean that each person on the Earth requires such a
- cleansing. Many now and many more in the future are such beautiful
- vibrations for the Earth to call on for strength. It is more like an "if
- the shoe fits, wear it" cleansing. Of course millions may not even be
- aware that shoes are to be worn, but this is their path of choice.
- So it is that such cities as Indianapolis, IN., Nashville, TN.,
- Cincinnati, OH., Birmingham, AL., Memphis, TN., Raleigh, NC.,
- Charlottesville, VA., and Washington, DC, just to name a few, will each
- be an active participant in the kinds of changes previously mentioned.
- Each of these needs a change of vibration to elevate the sense of
- spiritual acceptances of the many who wish this to be so. I can say what
- will "probably" occur to each of these areas. Those who read this will
- be searching for their own home to know what may happen. But if you are
- not careful, you will loose sight of what it is I am telling you. You
- can" change the Earth" yourselves. You can cleanse the Earth by
- cleansing your own self awareness and your own understanding and
- acceptance of others. When you do this, then only a few of the Earth
- changes need occur. The Earth will joyfully celebrate with each of you.
- I will conclude this evening with these few words. There is but one
- message - LOVE. I leave with that love for each of you and for the One
- Creator of us all.
- The Sun God
- Sidney, Australia And More On The Great Winds
- October 26, 1992
- I have spoken previously of changes to New Zealand. That part of the
- Earth needs a spiritual focus center, just as Louisville, Ky. is to be.
- This is important not only for those to physically see and feel, but also
- for the loving vibrations to eminate to the surrounding areas of the
- planet. Sidney, Australia is to be such a center of spiritual learning
- and teaching. But this area must first be cleansed so that there is true
- awareness and feeling of brotherly love. This city will be swept by
- flood waters that will be 20-30 feet in depth. These cleansing waters
- will strike with such force as to sweep away most small structures in its
- path. Even some large buildings will collapse from the force. Many will
- choose this time to make their transition. Others will remain, some of
- whom it will be said that deserved to die. But these people have the
- potential of being the strength of the spiritual movement if they
- choose to turn their experiences into positive growth. The reason for
- the floods will be to connect the people to the land and to the great
- spiritual knowledge of those beautiful Aborigines who have chosen this
- land as theirs. It is through the combining of the wisdom of this
- vanishing human species, with the beliefs and desires of those of
- Sydney seeking true brotherhood, that this area will emerge as a true
- light center.
- I have spoken of the Great Wind already. This great energy from the
- universe will race across this planet. Very few spots on the Earth will
- not be visited by these powerful winds. Practically all tall human made
- structures will be leveled as this energy reminds each of you that human
- made monuments will not be allowed to remain on the Earth as the 5th
- dimension approaches. The Great Winds will be like a giant broom to
- assist the Earth in cleansing her house. All those who are open to their
- inner awarenesses, and who have not chosen this time to return to their
- spirit form, will know when the winds are to occur. Those can therefore
- seek a safe shelter. To these I say, do not be curious, but remain in
- your safe place until the energies have passed. You will have plenty of
- time to see the cleansing power of this great universal wind. Then you
- must decide if you wish to continue to help the Earth rid herself of the
- monuments of humankind's thirst for materialism and disregard for the
- welfare of the Earth. This decision will in fact be as much a test for
- you as the winds themself.
- I leave at this time. I leave in love for all those on the Earth and for
- the One Creator of us all.
- The Sun God
- Kansas City, Kansas And Negative ET's Underground In Mexico**
- November 9, 1992
- Kansas City, Kansas is a place of quiet progress in the area of light
- worker activities, but progress is being made. There exists within that
- city an attitude of independence, but it is accompanied by a certain
- flair of arrogance and indifference. There is a strong inclination
- towards material possessions. It is this materialistic attitude that is
- the real danger and the reason the people have lost touch with their
- spirituality. They have many religious institutions, but these, too, are
- treated as possessions by those who control them. There is a deep need
- for strong, spiritual leadership and energy in this part of your
- country. To fill this need for spirituality, there is a certain
- cleansing which will remove the negativity associated with materialism
- and control. This area will be another target of earthquakes which will
- level the heart and soul of possession and ownership. These people will
- see first hand that "things" have no value when reduced to rubble.
- The earthquakes will hopefully cause the people in the Kansas City area
- to view each other with charity and as individual souls. Many will
- indeed choose this very time to make their transition, as the Earth will
- quake in the middle of a busy work day. By the time this cleansing is
- completed, the people will have touched others as well as they seek and
- receive help. They will learn to to love and appreciate the value of
- living close to the Earth. If lessons are not learned and the same
- negative vibrations continue, a flood will follow within 18 months and
- these waters will be truly devastating. One third of the entire
- population will transition with these waters as the city and surrounding
- countryside will look like an ocean.
- There is a place in Mexico where negativity is part of the way of life.
- It is not a place you will find on the map or would be able to see if you
- could drive by. It is a place the Mexican and US governments have set
- aside for use by negative energies. I speak of an underground existence
- that is home and laboratory for those often referred to as negative ET's,
- extraterrestrials. This place is used as a base for operations that does
- much harm to the Earth with their negative vibrations. Despite their
- advanced technologies used in this underground location, the Earth will
- quake and rupture to such a degree as to not only destroy much of what is
- there, but also expose parts of it as well. This will be followed by the
- falling of massive amounts of water. The technology of those present
- will not be sufficient to change the course of these Earth cleansings.
- Let this serve as a warning to those other areas of high negativity where
- similar activities are occurring.
- Humankind has been blind to the intrusions upon your being and your
- planet by those who are extraterrestrials who are of negative vibration.
- You have listened to your governments who have not wanted you to know of
- their existences. You have turned off your own spiritual awareness that
- would make you aware of what is happening all around you. Many are
- channeling information in this regard. Tom is one of many. Listen to
- them. These negative ET's, as many call them, and the humans they
- control are doing much harm to the Earth with their vibrations. The
- Earth will cleanse herself of these, as she will all harmful energies.
- I leave at this time. I leave in love for all those on and in the Earth
- and for the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- ** See chapter 7 for additional information from the Sun God on this
- site.
- Negative ET's Are Not Welcome And Must Leave
- November 10, 1992
- Until my last channeling, I have not mentioned the harmful energies of
- the negative ET's. There is a great deal the public does not know about
- these energies. It has been the choice of most to follow a path that
- excludes or ignores these beliefs. Regardless, these forces have been
- among you for thousands of years. Only recently, though, have their
- harmful vibrations been on the increase, as they too are preparing you
- for what is ahead. They will continue to be a choice for many of you.
- At the same time, they have been working with elements of the US and
- other governments. If you are not careful, they will be a choice by
- virtue of allowing the government to place greater and greater controls
- on your freedoms, until you completely accept the ways of these dark
- forces. You will have opportunities for these choices. I suggest you do
- all you can to keep your mind and heart cleared so you may correctly
- discern what your choices really are.
- The Earth will continue to cleanse herself of all harmful vibrations,
- regardless of the source. She cannot be a true 5th dimensional being
- without removing all negativity from her beingness. There are those in
- the US Government who sincerely believe they will have a safe haven as
- long as they remain with those who have advanced technologies. But the
- Earth will not tolerate any center of negativity, whether it be a major
- city or an underground encampment of humans and negative ET's. The
- cleansings will take place regardless of the resistance offered. Such
- negative based force pales when compared to the energies Mother Earth and
- I can generate by way of cleansings. I now ask these energies to leave
- this planet. I will not interfere in any way with your departure. But
- if you remain and continue to do harm, you will feel the full fury of the
- Earth as she clears herself of your vibrations. As Tom writes this
- message, I am sending it out to all those energies who wish to do only
- harm to the Earth. Humankind may choose your ways, but the Earth does
- not. You may remain in love, but I now tell you to leave if not here
- with loving intent. You are not welcome on the Earth.
- I love all on the Earth and I love the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- 4
- My Journeys Into The Future And The Great Harvest Of Souls
- After having read all the changes and potential changes to the Earth,
- many may feel it is time to "get out of Dodge". Many will do just that,
- as they have chosen these times to make their transition. But many more
- will remain to be an integral part of the changes. Actually all of us
- are part of the changes. Whether you believe it or not, we have all
- "signed on" for this adventure, for as many reasons as there are humans.
- In the channeling of July 15, 1992, the Sun God mentioned that I and
- others have traveled into the future. Indeed, I have been privileged to
- have taken such journeys, and have seen us leave the Earth to live
- elsewhere. I have seen some of what is ahead for the Earth and
- humankind. I have been allowed to see the Master Plan in motion. Part
- of my divine plan is to write and teach the truths. Therefore, I am
- writing about some of my experiences as I become a part of the
- transformation of spaceship Earth as she prepares for her final
- cleansing. Where do each of us go and what is it like when we get
- there? This is some of what I am about to tell you.
- After some thought about which approach to take, I decided to present my
- future travels as they impressed me, as I was there. It is written as it
- is happening - in the present, or at least when this seems appropriate.
- It is my sincere hope that each of you can feel the experiences for
- yourself and not be fearful of them. It is my intent to convey what it
- will be like for me to leave the Earth and all of my possessions behind,
- and to settle on a distant planet, in a new home and in a new
- surrounding. It is not intended to be presented as an emotional
- experience, although I certainly had mixed emotions. All those that I
- saw or talked with during my future travels showed no fear about what was
- to occur, or what had already taken place. With the many changes in the
- Earth energies, as well as other universal energies such as "11:11" and
- "777", all changes are occurring at an accelerated pace. By the time the
- Great Harvest of Souls arrives, most of us will have a totally different
- mindset than now. Much of what you read here and hear from others will
- not be as "far out" as it may now seem.
- This is not channeled material, yet I asked for guidance as I have tried
- to communicate some of what I have seen, heard and felt. I also asked
- for assistance in editing what I have written. It is not my wish to
- exaggerate what I have been witness to, or invent any of it, or even use
- someone else's experiences. At my request, the Sun God has assured me
- that what I written is as I have experienced.
- Goodbye To Earth - The Journey Begins
- It is obvious to all of us that it is time to leave. There is no fuss as
- each of us quietly walks to the meeting place. We have only what we can
- easily carry in our arms. Most of us have come to realize the true value
- of letting "things go" and of trusting. There are many of us gathered
- around talking quietly. We are exicted nevertheless, for this is a new
- experience for us. We don't know exactly what to expect. But it is a
- subdued excitement. At the same time we are not nervous. There are
- children and they play, yet our entire demeanor and movement is like a
- prayerful action, a real life ceremony.
- We don't particulary want to leave the Earth since this is our home. We
- love the Earth. But we also understand the joyful feelings of the Earth
- as she is very close to taking that big leap into another realm of her
- own. She is graduating into the 5th dimension. It is necessary for us
- to honor and respect her desire to do this, and we must leave while
- she finishes the house cleaning that she must do as final preparation for
- her new look. We understand. We also realize that many will some day
- return to once again coexist in love and harmony with the Earth. But
- for now, we are to continue our growth and development on another
- "Earth Planet".
- There is much space craft activity, as there has been for the last week
- or so. Our space friends have been busy with their final preparations to
- ease our concerns. We have met with our space friends as they explained
- what is to happen and how we are to be leaving. They are available
- anytime we need them. They answered all the questions we had. In fact
- our space friends have encouraged us to talk among ourselves to make
- certain we understand and have no more questions or concerns. Of course
- we all have concerns simply because it is a totally new experience. Our
- parents and teachers have never prepared us for times like these. We are
- truly the pioneers of new frontiers.
- So we have concerns, but each of us seems to accept what is unfolding.
- Many are really happy with it. There have been so many changes to the
- Earth that none of us are certain what might happen next. I have been
- more prepared than most for the Earth changes, but it is not always so
- easy to watch and feel the cleansing power of the rain, wind, the Earth
- quaking and poles shifting. You know deep down that these have been
- necessary for the good of Earth and us as well. However, we still live
- in the physical and some physical changes are easier to accept than
- others. Nevertheless, we accept and move on. We all prefer a quieter
- time, a time when we do not have to worry about the next major change
- that might affect our living patterns. At the same time most of us have
- adjusted very well to our new ways of living off the land and helping
- each other. There is much satisfaction and true sharing in doing this.
- So we are ready to leave.
- There are about 30 of us waiting for the craft to pick us up. I live in
- a thinly populated area. There are families of us clustered together.
- This is also the way many of us want to continue on our new planet as
- soon as this is possible. As the craft quietly comes down for us, we
- became deadly silent. This is it, goodbye to our Mother Earth. The craft
- lands close by and our space friends from the Pleiades came out and
- welcome us aboard. They are filled with such love for us and the Earth.
- Our small group is of a similar vibration, and we will be going
- together. Our space friends make us feel very comfortable with their
- loving ways. We quickly become more upbeat.
- Our craft lifts off and in a few moments we are approaching the mother
- ship, the one that will actually take us on our journey. The mother ship
- is huge. I do not estimate dimensions well, but I will say it is 10-15
- stories high and stretched as far as I can see, at least from my vantage
- point. It is 10 miles long, I am told, and the equivalent of 20 stories
- high. "There are others orbiting the Earth as well", says our space
- friends. The ships have been especially constructed for this great day.
- This is called the period of the Great Harvest of Souls. Each on the
- Earth will be taken aboard a similar vessel as the Earth is ready for her
- graduation. Those who are sensitive to different vibrations remark of
- joyous vibrations and music coming from the Earth. In fact many of us
- hear cellestial music as it plays in the background. The Earth is not
- sad to see us leave, as she knows many will return in a relatively short
- time and live in perfect harmony with her as light-bodied humans.
- I do not recall much about our flight to our destination planet. It does
- not take long. I am told that it could be quicker. The space friends on
- board are using this time for some teachings and assistance to those who
- wish to have it. We are given another overview of what to expect when we
- land. Since most are still used to routines, we are given specific
- directions on what to do. We are told not to worry about remembering
- everything, since there will be sufficient opportunities to hear it again
- when we land.
- The Destination Planets
- Each of us is taken to a destination planet that relates most closely to
- our individual vibration. Our space friends easily and instantly
- determine where each of us belongs. There is absolutely no way to fool
- them. We just cannot suddenly pretend like we are of a very "high vibration"
- and a super loving person. We are who we are. Our space friends do not
- judge us. They simply direct each of us to the appropriate place, and
- they do so in the most loving way. A person of a lower vibration is not
- allowed to proceed to a higher vibrational destination. However, a
- person of a higher vibration may choose to remain in a lower level, in
- case you wish to remain with another individual, for instance. I did not
- see this happening, but we were told ahead of time that this would be
- allowed.
- Those wishing to continue their growth, in what is still referred to as
- the 3rd dimension, are going to a planet occupied by people of similar
- beliefs. Regardless of what vibration each is, we take with us the same
- knowledge, wisdom, love, lack of love, and attitudes as we had before our
- departure. These will neither be enhanced nor avoided due to the move
- itself. If there is joy in seeing the Sun rise or set, this will not
- change. If there is hate and prejudice towards others or self, this too
- will not change, unless we decide to change these ourself. If there is
- an attitude and need for material pleasures, this will also be reflected
- on the new planet.
- There is a destination planet for those who are at the 4th dimensional
- level. These, too, will be given the opportunity to develop in a place
- where they are free from the vibrations of those in the 3rd and 5th
- dimensions.
- There are also new homes for those who have elevated themself to the 5th
- dimensional level and higher. Primarily these consist of those who have
- very deliberately raised their vibrations as the Earth has raised hers.
- Included here are those who have agreed to be the seed for those
- light-bodied humans who will some day return to live in perfect harmony
- with the planet Earth.
- There are inconveniences to most as you would expect under the
- circumstances, particularly those who have chosen the 3rd and 4th
- dimensional growth patterns. Those above the 4th are not so much into
- many of the physical realities of the Earth, so they adjust easier to
- their new home. Many of the Earth changes have helped prepare us for the
- kinds of experiences presented to us. Most seem to adjust very quickly
- to their new home. There is already some housing waiting for us, as well
- as other structures. All those who are positive and forward thinking
- quickly set aside their homesickness as soon as they realize the love and
- friendliness of their new home.
- The Third Dimension
- In visiting those on the 3rd dimensional planet, I notice how well
- adjusted and happy the people seem. My perception is that these people
- are still into their old paradigms, which is alright for them. Despite
- having made their choice for this move, most were still skeptical about
- being able to maintain their old belief systems, including religion.
- However, I see many churches and places of worship already in use. So,
- it is secure and reasuring to them that those freedoms are to continue.
- Aside from the separation and loss of possessions, most appear to be
- seeing this as a very rewarding experience. It is bringing the people
- together more than they could have imagined. All are not roses since
- total attitudes have not changed, but many good things are already
- happening.
- There are no obvious differences between this new home and the Earth. The
- atmospheric conditions are slightly different but everyone has adjusted
- to these. The air is lighter, much like that at higher elevations of
- Earth. Most people are still living in the large, wooden community-type
- buildings, with winding stair cases - very Victorian and quite
- beautiful. These were already in place when they arrived. By choice,
- many others have begun moving out into the countryside to establish their
- own homes. It requires much hard work, but this too, is one of the 3rd
- dimensional beliefs.
- As I move about on the new 3rd dimensional planet, I see green trees,
- flowers, green grass, birds and hills. It is warm and sunny and the days
- are about as long as on Earth. As more and more of the "Earth systems"
- have been implemented, it has become even more like home. Since we left
- all possesions behind, everyone starts out with the same level of wealth
- and power. However, it doesn't take long for some to exert themself in
- leadership and dominating roles. There are plenty of local, national and
- international leaders and "government" heads from Earth who have chosen
- this path as well. So many assume their natural roles which seems to
- please most people. But there is an excellent opportunity to make
- everyone equal.
- The Fourth Dimension
- The planet, which is for those who are already in the 4th dimension, is
- also similar to Earth, but there are some differences. These are not so
- much in the physical as they are in attitude and in technology. For
- instance, I am traveling around the city in a vehicle that is powered by
- solar energy. It is not particularly stylish but is comfortable and has
- large windows all around. As I listen to one of the radio stations, I am
- pleasantly surprised to hear upbeat music and a very positive sounding
- DJ. The songs are pleasant, uplifting but not emotional, and positive in
- nature. They are happy sounding. Obviously the people have learned the
- importance of sound, particularly through happy and upbeat music. I have
- not heard a single sad song, or songs about a lost love.
- Except for the hum of a few "car" engines, the city is quiet. As far as
- I can tell, the single source of power is from the Sun. The people appear
- to be happy overall but serious as well. They are at this vibrational
- level by choice, yet I hear one person questioning his decision to come
- here, as he thinks of the old days. He is a young, former stockbroker
- who is trying to find his way in his new home. Perhaps he is a little
- lonely. I am sure he will soon quit relating to the materialistic ways
- of old and move into a more deliberate path of light.
- The people have become very adept at recognizing a new vibration among
- them. Without exception, each person comments on my vibration as we
- meet. Most ask if I am new here. I observe healings by light while
- touring a "doctors" office. Part of the exam consists of looking into a
- hand held optical device which produces light patterns. This in turn is
- correlated to the person's current level of development, with options
- given for future growth. Although unique to each, the evaluations seem
- to produce similar results for those of similar vibrations, at least of
- those I saw. A very caring doctor is also doing some individual light
- healing with a small light projecting device. There is a sincere
- interest on the part of this doctor to assist everyone who has asked for
- his help. The doctor becomes aware of my presence and is somewhat
- surprised by my visit.
- I am told there are other life forms of similar vibration who are also
- using this as a "staging or phase-in" planet. As with the humans, they
- will remain here for as long as they choose, perhaps an entire lifetime,
- or until they raise their vibrational level to the 5th dimension. I have
- not seen any of the non humans. I am told they will remain in the
- background until the people have adjusted more to their surroundings. As
- I understand, this planet is a temporary home for those who choose to
- continue their growth beyond the 4th dimension. There are no time
- limits. There are an infinite number of degrees within each dimension,
- which allows for slow, quick, and unlimited growth, depending on the
- individual needs. This is in contrast to the Earth where many levels of
- vibration were together. This made it more difficult for those on the
- upper and lowers ends.
- The Fifth Dimension and Beyond
- There are people on the Earth who are prepared to move into the 5th
- dimensional level or higher. My journeys included some of these planets
- but I will not include these at this time. I will say that as our
- vibration gets higher and higher, our physical bodies begin to change in
- very subtle ways. Our bodies become lighter and less dense. The amount
- and type of food and nourishment we require also changes. The
- physiological changes begin as we move into the 4th dimension and become
- even more pronounced as we approach the 5th. It is while in the 5th
- dimension that the transmutation from a more dense physical body to a
- light body occurs. It is not an instant process, though. It is the
- light body that will return to live in peace and harmony with the 5th
- dimensional Earth. I do not know how long the transmutation process is to
- take, but it is not long in time-space terms, perhaps 50-150 years. As
- of this writing, the process has already begun. But it will begin in
- more earnest as many of the 11-12 year olds' of 1992, and younger, have
- children of their own. These children will mark the direct beginning of
- a light-bodied human. Each succeeding generation of offspring will be
- less and less dense in physical terms, and lighter and lighter and of a
- higher vibration.
- Return Visits To Earth
- I have returned to Earth on several occasions, and each visit has shown
- marked change from the first. One visit is soon after the Great Harvest
- of Souls. Everything is abandoned. It is like a ghost town as depicted
- in the old wild west movies. I walk into several homes and they are just
- as they were left. Some still have food on the table. Many
- refrigerators are filled with food. It is all spoiled as there is no
- electrical power. The impression is that everyone was prepared to leave
- when the time came, and there was no fanfare or attempts to exert
- unnecessary energies towards things that were not to be taken.
- On another visit, the final cleansing process had begun. From above but
- close to the Earth, I can see the destruction of all human made
- constructions. Most of the large or tall buildings have already been
- leveled by many of the previous Earth changes. Now I see great slabs of
- concrete roadways and bridges being churned up by unseen forces. Intense
- heat or other types of energies are being applied that literally dissolve
- and break these down into a more naturally accepted state. These then
- are to become a part of the surrounding nature. Our space friends are
- assisting with the cleansing efforts. As I move across the countryside,
- I see craft hovering over the different structures. They are applying
- energy beams that disintegrate the objects. I am told that nothing is
- lost. These disintegrated objects are converted to another form of
- energy that can either be utilized within the Earth's atmosphere, or that
- dissipate into space beyond Earth. Chemicals harmful to the Earth and
- radioactive materials are being neurtralized and rendered harmless. It
- is easy to understand why it was necessary for us to leave while the
- cleansing takes place.
- The light-bodied humans that return to Earth will have no need of the
- human made physical structures. They will travel by thought and will not
- have need of a physical transportation system. Their energy field will
- be self regulated, so there will be no need for shelter. The efforts of
- the Earth and space friend energies are directed in the most loving way
- to return the Earth to a place of natural beauty. It is to be a beauty
- that will support the vibration of a 5th dimension planet, a planet of
- clean, fresh air and clean waterways. It is to be a planet with
- brilliant snow white poles and contrastingly beautiful forrests.
- The final visit finds a Mother Earth that is of breathtaking beauty. As
- I approach her, I can see a clear, well defined, uninterrupted auric
- field. Beneath her aura is an atmosphere of rich clean air. Missing are
- the gases and pollutants of the 3rd dimensional human era. The
- countryside is covered with lush green trees, beautiful bushes and ground
- covers, and multicolored wild flowers of all descriptions. The waters
- are flowing in a rythmic fashion and are clean, sparkling and spring like
- clear. The musical notes of happy vibrations are everywhere as a
- reflection of total planetary harmony. There is the echo of love - seen,
- heard and felt - as the Earth, the Mother of all this planetary life, and
- the many life systems are all at one. It is a physical beauty that was
- only dreamed of before the Great Harvest. Mother Earth has become even
- more loving, fresh looking, radiant and beautiful. She is ready to
- welcome home those humans who have been readying themselves for this
- time. A giant homecoming is being prepared as this Mother has much love
- she wishes to share.
- When And Other Information
- An obvious question is when is the Great Harvest of Souls to occur. I do
- not know. This has not been shared with me, although I believe we will
- be told in advance. In one sense it has already begun, just as the Earth
- changes have begun. One reason we are not being told is because there is
- not a definite time. The entire process is directly related to the
- energies and collective consciousness of humankind and the Earth. The
- Great Harvest of Souls WILL occur, but the exact date is not known.
- There is a probable time, but Earth is a free will zone and we have many
- choices to make along our spiritual paths that will have an affect. I
- was told it will most likely occur in my children's lifetime. In 1992
- when I was told this, their ages were 24 and 23, respectively. I do know
- that the date will not be a surprise to us, as we will be kept informed.
- Another concern will be that of pets, or animals in general. I do not
- recall seeing a single animal during my future travels. Perhaps I saw
- them and do not remember, since I was really focused on the human
- factors.
- However, this much I have been told. Most animals will
- not remain on the 5th dimensional Earth. But they will be
- going with humankind. All present Earth life forms, in particular the
- animal kingdom, are a compliment and balance in energy to humans. This
- is one reason for their creation. The animals are at a different
- spiritual level than humans and will maintain that relative relationship
- as part of universal balance. Therefore, humankind will continue to
- share their life experiences with animals.
- Others may be concerned about those who are bedridden, under medical
- care, in wheel chairs, blind, in prison or whatever condition and
- situation that may be imagined. The Great Harvest of Souls is for all
- souls, not just those who are physically and mentally "capable". Between
- now and this magnificent event, humankind will be going through
- tremendous and rapid growth. Many major illnesses and ailments may be
- cured, as our own physiology reflects the Earth's vibrational changes.
- We will begin to realize how we can control our physical with our mental,
- and then how to manifest our thoughts. Many of us will cure our own
- ailments. But for those who do not, for whatever reasons, rest assured
- that all those on the Earth will be taken to their new home. Neither the
- Sun God nor our space friends who will be assisting, will judge us in any
- regard, whether it be spiritually, physically or mentally. They offer us
- only the pure love that they now have.
- 5
- What Now?
- Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should
- die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take.
- How many remember this child's prayer? Most of us have said it a few
- times, as a child. In fact I must have said it a "whole bunch" of times
- because the words came to me without any thought about them. It seems as
- we get older there are better adult prayers to say. Have you ever
- wondered why this is? I mean really wondered. Certainly there are
- grownup problems (that we grownups create) that children are not prepared
- to handle. Perhaps we should become more childlike in our games, outlook
- and our prayers. Have you ever noticed how the little children just want
- to play and have fun? Have you ever noticed how they will play with
- anybody, unless we adults won't let them? Little children are so very
- innocent in spirit until we teach them how to be fearful, angry and
- hateful towards themself and others. Have you ever imagined a world of
- only children, where there is only laughter, play and games until they
- get so tired they fall to sleep, only to start the process over when they
- awaken. How very simple a childs life is, simple but so very beautiful.
- A nice thought but how does this relate to Earth changes? One of the
- major messages from the Sun God's concerns is how we feel and act towards
- ourself and others. It is through our negative attitudes that we have
- created such harm to each other and the Earth. Before we teach the little
- children these same characteristics, the children are perfectly innocent
- and loving in the way they view the world around them. We adults might
- want to consider how we can return to that same childlike innocence. We
- would be astonished at the differences in our own love and harmony.
- Smokey, the fire fighting bear, says "Only you can prevent forrest
- fires". Only WE can prevent most of the Earth changes, with our love and
- respect for each other and our Mother Earth.
- This is the Sun God's message.
- 6
- The Sun God And Christ Responses To Questions
- A dear friend of mine, Suanne Drury, and I have been having discussion
- groups about the reasons for the presence of our benevolent space
- friends, or extraterrestrials as some are more accustomed. We primarily
- speak about the information that has been channeled to us and which we
- are comfortable with, as well as our own experiences. However, it is
- difficult to have any in depth understanding or discussion of our space
- friends without at least mentioning Earth changes. From one of our
- groups came these questions for the Sun God and Christ, which I have
- decided to include here. The responses give considerable insight into
- the workings of the universe, as well as the realtionships of the Sun God
- and Christ to each other, and both to the God Source and the Creator's
- universal laws. The information is not directly related to the Earth
- changes. Yet, are not all things related? For some this will only be a
- confirmation of knowledge they already possess. Most others should find
- the responses interesting.
- Questions:
- 1. We assume there is a polarity to the Christ known as the
- anti-Christ. Is there a polarity to the Sun God or is this energy above
- the natural laws?
- 2. What teachings do the Sun God "give" to the Christ? Do these merely
- help the Christ evolve by raising "his" love energy?
- 3. What dimension is the Sun God?
- 4. Is the Earth a higher energy than man?
- The Sun God's Response
- July 28, 1992
- I will tell you that "levels" and "hierarchy" are of absolutely no
- importance to me and to those in the High Realm. But those on the Earth
- are of a linear reference and therefore each of you seem to feel and
- attach some importance to a non-existent level system. The One God has
- created us all, directly or indirectly. The Creator has asked only one
- thing of us - and that is to love - love the most each of us is capable
- of doing. Some have chosen quicker, more direct methods of love than
- others. As a result, the One God holds some closer than others as a
- "reward" for their own love. The Creator still loves all but recognizes
- all of our accomplishments of love. So whatever references I or others
- make to "level" in no way reflects that there are really levels. So I
- must communicate a concept that is outside the knowledge and vocabulary
- of those on the Earth.
- I am a God, so consecrated by the One Creator. The universe is vast. It
- is infinite. The One God has decided at different "times" to consecrate
- other God energies as well. Each of us is unique and each of us has our
- own level and ability to love, relative to the One Creator and to
- each of us and to all other energies. The Infinite Creator could elevate
- any energy at any "time" to a God status. The Creator has reasons for
- doing this or not doing it. There is no "hierarchy" between the One God
- and me or any other God-type energy. I "report" directly and only to the
- Infinite Creator. But this does not place me in a vacuum. I blend
- harmoniously with all other loving energies. I am "powerfull" as you
- might call me, but I consult with other loving energies almost
- constantly. I am not territorial, even though this solar system, this
- galaxy is my immediate responsibility. This in no way limits what others
- may do, for as I said, I work in harmony with all loving energy.
- There is a question of natural or universal laws as you think of them,
- and am I bound by them. There is really no such thing as "bound by"
- since I am love and exist only in accord with the One God. But for your
- reference, these laws apply to all except the One. In the issue of
- polarity, I am perfect balance. But I must remind you I am speaking in
- terms those on the Earth may not totally comprehend. These universal
- laws are interpreted in a general way so that each of you may
- understand. I do not intend to be deceptive in any way. There is simply
- much beyond your understanding.
- There is a question concerning the Christ level. Christ will respond for
- you. I only say that Christ is not a God but is an extremely high level
- of love. Most on the Earth relate to the Christ energy. However, Christ
- is a universal energy.
- I am always available to anyone who does ask for me. The mindset of
- those on the Earth at this time has not included me as the energy that I
- am. This bothers me in no way. I do understand. But it is the reason
- for this frame of mind that does concern me. Close-mindedness is not
- beneficial in any positive environment.
- If these are not sufficient answers, then I am most pleased to inform you
- in any way that will make it more clear or more complete.
- I love all on the Earth and I love the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- The Sun God's Response - Additional Clarification
- July 29, 1992
- I will be pleased to answer the remainder of the questions and clarify
- what I have already spoken.
- There is a complete misunderstanding about the "anti-Christ". There is
- positive and negative to each and every energy. It is necessary for
- balance. Because you may recognize the negative does not mean you are
- negative. You simply recognize its existence. This is the same with the
- Christ energy. There is no anti-Christ as such. This is simply a
- recognized balancing energy that Christ has. There is no human on the
- Earth who is such an energy as the anti-Christ. Nor is there to be one.
- Any reference to such an energy is by way of comparison only. Each
- energy is unique.
- There is a question related to the possible teaching or exchange of
- knowledge between my energy and the Christ energy. Only the One Creator
- knows all things. Even as a God I do not. Nor does the Christ energy.
- There is always a sharing of wisdom among all energy levels. There is a
- sharing of love. These are ways to enhance our growth. But there is no
- "schedule" of teachings. It occurs when it is needed.
- I have already addressed the concerns of dimensionality. To clarify, I
- am a God and I am essentially non-dimensional. If you wish to think of
- the God Source as at the 1st dimension or the highest station, then you
- may say my love level is less than the Creator's. Therefore, I am in
- another "dimension". But this is only as you may wish to distinguish with
- your compartmentalization.
- Many of you are continually making comparisons of different kinds. It is
- part of your nature, shall I say. I understand this. But I ask each of
- you to understand that you cannot compare different energies. Each energy
- in the entire universe is unique. I also realize you may be searching
- for a point of reference.
- Even this can be very misleading when not viewed in the
- proper perspective. Regardless, there is a question comparing the
- Earth's energy "level" to humankind's. As a general rule, the Earth is a
- higher level of love than humankind. However, understand there are many
- humans on the Earth who are themselves a higher level of love than the
- Earth. So I can only answer you in general terms.
- I leave at this time. I love all on the Earth and the One Creator.
- The Sun God
- On July 26, 1992 the Earth moved into the 4th dimension. Christ makes
- reference to this event.
- Christ Responds To Questions - Christ and Jesus Are The Same Energy
- July 28, 1992
- Christ: I too am pleased to speak this evening. I am honored to be a
- part of the celebration that has seen the Mother Earth realize her growth
- at long last into the 4th dimension. This opens the doorway for much to
- occur. I congradulate the Earth and each of you who have chosen to live
- this incarnation as service to the Earth and each other.
- There have been some questions directed towards me. I am pleased to
- answer.
- I am not the One God. I am not a God. I love the Earth and humankind. I
- am here to help when I am asked to. But Earth is not the only planet
- that accepts my energy. I am universal and therefore go where I am
- needed. I am subject to all the laws of the universe, all those that the
- God Source has created. Our Father can and has excused me and others,
- from time to time from certain of these laws to allow us to grow in a
- certain way or to experience certain things. But these are infrequent
- and very specific.
- Many have referred to me as God of this planet. But this is not true.
- The Sun God has dominion over the Earth, not I.
- My consciousness is that of a collection of energies, much like others.
- I have had very specific roles to play as a human - roles that worked in
- concert with the direct wishes of the Infinite Creator. I have taken on
- the human form to do this, but I also work at the nonphysical level to
- assist those on the Earth who accept my energy.
- You have asked about the "Christing" energy and the Jesus energy. I have
- told Tom, you may call me what you wish. I tell you the man called Jesus
- in your Bible is the same as the Christ that you now know. Much has been
- said concerning the difference between the two energies. This was
- necessary for those to better understand and connect with me and the
- other sources of love. But I am the Christ and I am the one called
- Jesus.
- As many of you are beginning to slowly learn, names are unimportant.
- Love and loving information is of the only importance. I am always
- available to answer anyone's concern. Each only needs to ask and listen,
- for I will speak to you. I leave in the love and the Oneness of the
- Infinite Creator.
- Christ
- 7
- Related Channelings
- This channeling by St. Francis of Assisi was mentioned by the Sun God in
- chapter 3. Francis is another beautiful and loving energy, very similar
- (from my perspective) to the loving vibration of Christ.
- Just Say "LOVE"
- July 7, 1992
- It is my everlasting intent to do all that I do with the deepest love
- that I have. This is why you feel my vibration so much. So I say that
- all who reads my channeled words will receive the same love as Tom does
- in being the vehicle, the instrument so that my words are available to
- all who will see them.
- And it is a loving message that I give tonight. Humankind is waiting
- anxiously for the big events to occur. There are those waiting for the
- big end, the Armageddon. There are others waiting for the second coming
- of Christ. To both of these, I say wait no more. Use your energy and
- thoughts for better events. Certainly there are those who wait for the
- many Earth changes that our beautiful and everloving Sun God does give
- you. There are those waiting for the coming of the 4th dimension and
- beyond. Still there are some waiting to channel, or to have a beautiful
- meditation. And yes, there are many waiting for the right person to come
- along, or for a better paying job.
- So to all of these and millions more I give you this message. Wait no
- more. To wait is to loose valuable time on this planet when you each can
- direct your energies and love to what you are doing now. It is the NOW
- that is important, not the "then". Do not look so forward that you loose
- sight of all the loving opportunities you have at the present. Love
- doesn't wait, LOVE IS. Feel it. Touch it. Taste it. Ingest it.
- Digest it. Spread it. Do everything possible with love. Then when you
- have done this, you will have no great interest in all the forward
- thinking. You will be so pleased with the loving "now" that the future
- will always be another expression of the present.
- I do lovingly say that it is good to plan ahead. Hope is so important.
- But your focus should always be in the present. If you have no present,
- you have no future. Simply keep it lovingly simple. The God of us all
- would tell you this as well.
- If each of you, everyday, would sit quietly, perhaps in front of a
- mirror, but anywhere, and say the word "LOVE" at least 10 times,
- you will begin to feel it. Say it from the depths of your heart. If
- you will as you say it, visualize so quickly an object of each love -
- yourself, the Source, a partner, a situation - I could go on. But
- do not make it a chore . Mainly say the words from your soul and say
- them out loud if you can. If you cannot, think them. This I ask you
- to do. After two weeks, ask for me and we will talk, This I promise
- you.
- So it is with love that I leave you. But I am here anytime you ask. I
- love all and I love the One.
- St. Francis of Assisi
- In chapter 3 the Sun God alludes to certain humankind control systems and
- mentions a channeling by the Blend of Loving Energies. This is excerpted
- from what turned out to be a series of related channelings by the Blend,
- Abraham, Ashtar, of the Ashtar Command (a Pleiadian star being), the God
- Source and Christ. I combined these into a group called "The Human
- Experience, Then and Now". This particular channeling presents an
- overview of certain of the human experiences related to belief systems
- and the efforts of negative extraterrestrial forces to not only influence
- humanity, but in fact to exert control over us.
- The Altering of Humankind's DNA and Why - The Loss of Spiritual
- Focus: An Overview
- August 12, 1992
- We do want to take this opportunity to address certain universal truth
- concepts. Many may not consider this subject as relating to "truths",
- but we assure you this is the case.
- Tom has been reading [channelings of others], has had some channelings of
- his own, and heard from others that humankind has been placed under some
- spell or received a virus [Dreamspell by Jose Arguelles] that somehow
- altered the normal human perspective of "himself" and the universe. In
- fact, the term "himself" took on significant meaning at this time, as the
- alteration included a focus on male dominance. There seems to be
- contradictory information as to the virus as "beamed" here by some forces
- outside of the Earth, and those beings who tampered with humankind's DNA
- structure to make humans forget and feel guilty about everything. Some
- of this is referenced in the Dreamspell kit [by Jose Arguelles], while
- others' channelings reveal the remainder.
- You will hear some inaccuracies and you would do well to look out for
- these. But by and large you have heard the truth, with each being a
- somewhat different perspective of the same events. We wish to provide
- you with more insights into the true history of humankind.
- In your terms of time, a long time ago the Earth was inhabited by a
- humankind that lived very close to the Earth. This humankind was in
- constant contact with its own inner awarenesses, its own higher self.
- This was not a human who was advanced by today's scientific standards.
- But in fact this human was more advanced, as this human could communicate
- directly and at any time with those from other planets. Humankind was
- allowed to travel through space in the space friends crafts and see the
- universe. Humans communicated with the spirit realm in a way that was so
- instinctive that it was part of his daily life. Humans communicated with
- all things around it. There were no wheels for traveling or moving heavy
- objects and large loads. Yet this humankind could move the largest of
- objects without any physical effort. There was communications with all
- energies, including those in large stones, the trees, the flowers -
- everything. And this was a loving communication. And with love, the
- stones would move on their own.
- Humanity was advanced in many other ways as well. It communed with the
- Earth and humans asked the Earth how it could help. The Earth in turn
- provided humans with all the food it needed. Humankind did not have to
- work for this. It was a gift.
- This species of humankind was overseen by many space friends. It was
- agreed that the space brothers would be there to help when they were
- asked to, but would not infringe upon their choices. This arrangement
- worked quite well as humankind knew that it was on this planet to develop
- its own gifts and to work in harmony with the Earth and all of nature to
- develop and grow in the physical and the spiritual sense. So the space
- friends did not intrude in any way and humankind did not make unreasonable
- requests either, such as certain technologies to make life easier.
- Humankind knew why it was on this planet and did not wish to avoid any of
- its pleasurable growth.
- There was a time during humankind's development that certain of those
- from other worlds decided that they [the non humans] would better be
- served if the Earth's and humankind's energies were directed in a way as
- to not inhibit their own personal growth as a species. For they did not
- wish to share the energies of the Earth. They had their own reasons for
- wanting to control the energies of humankind.
- It is no secret to humankind that there is "good" and there is "evil" or
- "bad". Humanity's understanding of this, in general, is based on the
- teachings from the Bible or other similar sources. It should be no
- surprise to humankind, then, that the universe as a whole contains good
- and "bad", or as we say, positive and negative. We say this also with
- the understanding that humankind as a whole, may be able to accept some
- form of existence beyond the physical realm.
- There are many kinds of negative energies. Some of these have
- extraterrestrial existences, and many of these are very advanced by human
- standards. But they too are of the One Creator. They simply are on a
- path that is not pleasing to the God Source. Keep in mind we say this as
- a general statement.
- There are those extraterrestrials who feel, in fact believe, that to
- allow the Earth and humankind a freedom of choice, a free will to pursue
- their own path, is not in the best interests of these particular ET's or
- beings. For they wish to draw on the energies of humankind and the
- Earth, to the extent they can. These human energies can "feed" these
- ET's and even be a part of their livelihood. Also by controlling humans
- in certain ways, it allows other energies that humans would have
- utilized, to be accepted by these other beings.
- The negative ET's do not abide by all of the universal laws [at least
- from our perspective]. They may infringe on the will of another if it is
- to their own advantage. This they believe they can do. So they spent
- long periods of time trying to determine ways to control humankind.
- After many different attempts at various ways, they finally became
- successful at altering the DNA of humankind and other life forms on the
- planet. How this was done can be explained and is extremely "technical".
- We will do this for some who feel they need to know. But it [the
- technology] is not that important at this time. They were able to change
- the direction of humankind. They altered humankind's filtering processes
- so that it became difficult for humankind to be as "open" and connected
- to its higher self and the many available spiritual gifts. Humankind was
- filled with doubts. It was not so much a physical alteration as it was a
- screening of sorts, so that humankind began to loose sight of its Source
- and its own self power.
- To this was added certain new concepts, all of which were very
- specifically designed to cause humankind to lower its own self esteem as
- an equal in the universe. These ideas were designed to have humans place
- certain limitations on its own powers and abilities. The focused intent
- of all of these were to place certain controls on humankind by having it
- control himself. Also introduced were the ideas of materialism and the
- interest and desire to acquire materialistic goods and pleasures, with
- these being the main focus.
- Religion was the major new concept that was introduced. It was
- ingenious. It pretended to give humankind a direct link with the One
- God, while at the same time it said humanity was not worthy. Humankind
- was guilty of transgressing the love of God. And it was only through hard
- work and sacrifice that humans could even begin to approach being the
- least bit worthy of God.
- It is not our intent to show religion in a negative light. Instead, we
- only wish to give a brief explanation of how and why it began. In time
- there will be more information on religion, but, again only as a
- clarification for reference only.
- It was through these different mechanisms, these different tools, these
- different new concepts that those negative ET's were able to exert
- control over humankind. For when humankind did not believe in its own
- powers, then it did not grow in a spiritual sense.
- Humankind in fact regressed. Many ideas were introduced. Here
- we are referring to such things as industrialization, such things as
- competition, and such things as money, the power of money and the greed
- that came with that power.
- But humankind was a partner in this as well. Humanity cannot place the
- total blame on those extraterrestrials who chose to infringe on the will
- of a species. At the same time there were and have been many, many
- humans who came to full realization that they did have their own power,
- that they were worthy, and that they even recognized what the different
- institutions and different belief systems were doing to humankind as a
- whole. Many people from time to time have recognized and analyzed the
- affects of all these new ideas on humankind. And many of these did try
- to enlighten others. And many were enlightened. But by and large the
- words that these many people said were misunderstood. By and large the
- words and truths that these individuals taught were misdirected very
- intentionally. For the same less than positive sources seized these same
- opportunities to twist and turn the words of these knowledgable and holy
- people. Most people are familiar with the Christ energy and his
- teachings. But there were many many others. It was not restricted to
- one civilization. Each country, each civilization did have its own
- teachers of truths.
- There have been many enlightened individuals who have become aware of the
- truth, not only concerning the spiritual aspects of humans but also the
- controls that humankind has empowered itself with. Many have also
- understood the origin of these controls. Master Jesus made every effort
- to help humanity become aware of each person's own abilities and power.
- He understood that any bondage could be overcome with total self
- awareness and love. It was not even necessary to address certain issues
- of alien interferences, as "things" would take care of themself. Buddha,
- Elijah, Mohammed, Abraham - and the list is endless - all of these
- understood and taught this. The space friends understand this, except
- humankind has so much more programming to overcome than those of
- 2,000-plus years ago.
- So it is easy for humankind to gain control and responsibility of
- itself. Simply open up and listen to the quiet voice within. Get to
- know and trust that voice. Then move in the most comfortable direction,
- and each of you will be amazed at what you allow yourself to be and to
- see. You will be surprised at how comfortable you will become at
- listening to and knowing your true self and understanding the simple
- truths that surround your world.
- We do leave in love for all and for the All.
- The Blend of Loving Energies
- The Blend of Loving Energies consist of the following energies, channeled
- simultaneously as One Energy:
- Abraham (4) Joseph Nostradamus St. Peter (2) Astara Bath-Sheba Joshua (1)
- Raphael St. Timothy (2) Azhka Christ (4) Mary Romaine St. John The
- Baptist (2) Bal-star Confucius Melchizedek St. Benedict The God Source
- (2) Bestra Earth (1) Michael St. Francis of Asisi The Sun God (2) Ishtar
- Elijah Mohammed St. Germaine White Bear (2) Palastar Ezechial Moses St.
- John White Buffalo (3) Voltair Isaac Naomi St. Mark White Eagle Jacob
- Nathaniel St. Patrick (2) Alastar Jeremiah Nicodemus St. Paul (2) Ashtar
- (1) The Archangel (2) Space brother or sister, Ashtar Command (3) Star
- Being, Arcturian (4) Parents of Jesus
- The Sun God channeled this soon after the earlier information on the
- negative ET's in the Mexican subterranean. I thought it appropriate to
- include.
- Negative Extraterrestrials In Underground Camp In Mexico
- November 16, 1992
- I have previously mentioned the ET's that are resident in the country
- called Mexico. I will give more details on these. There is a place in a
- secluded part of Mexico that has many natural underground caverns and
- caves. The negative ET's have the technology for locating underground
- resources including openings such as these. They also have the ability
- to excavate using their own methods. This they did to a particular
- site. They decided to use this as their base camp for a large region of
- the Earth. I am referring of course to those extraterrestrials of a
- physical nature. These in particular have had a history of living
- underground, so they adapted very quickly to this environment.
- The initial excursions to this area would have been seen by the local
- populace. However, the governments of Mexico and the US collaberated
- with these ET's to secure the area so as to permit their movement in and
- out of these campsites.
- As you may well guess, the motives of those involved were dictated by
- their desire to exert control over the people. Tom and others have many
- channelings detailing this. But this particular location is used as a
- living place for the ET's and many humans as well. The humans are
- working very close with these ET's in various capacities, but it is all
- of a negative and harmful nature to the Earth and humankind.
- This particular underground facility is a laboratory and a factory of
- sorts. There is much experimentation that goes on here. Many of the
- abductees are brought here and used by the negative ET's and humans.
- Many of your current viruses are discovered and tried from this
- location. Many humans have unwillingly given their life for the
- experiments. The ET's have other uses as well, as they are trying to
- save parts of their own life systems. They are using human and animal
- experiments to this end.
- Your government has agreements with those from space to be given certain
- technologies. The technologies are, in turn, being reapplied for use on
- Earth. The ET's are also "playing" with your government. They do not
- wish to give them full control over some powerful systems, for they fear
- their use against themselves by your government. So they introduce
- elements or minor systems to appease the humans. There is also some work
- being done on craft adaptations. Although this is done at other
- locations, parts of the assembly and training are accomplished at the
- Mexico location.
- This is an overview. Remember, all that is done at this and other
- locations, is done in a non loving way. The vibrations from the area in
- Mexico are creating many harmful affects on the Earth. The Earth does not
- want these harmful vibrations to continue. So, the Earth and I will work
- together to cleanse these areas of this negativity.
- As I said, there are negative ET's and humans in an underground
- encampment in Mexico. There purpose is to create control systems and the
- accessories for such a system. They thrive on fear from others. When
- someone is brought to them for the experiments and they are in great
- physical stress and emotional fear, it draws others within the camp to a
- close proximity of the fearful vibrations.
- These negative ET's thrive on fear displayed by those being experimented
- on. It is like a special treat being brought to them. They do not
- literally eat the individuals but the fearful vibrations produced by them
- are nourishment for the ET's. Of course they are in the physical and they
- have other physical nourishment as well.
- Another reason for the existence of these ET encampments is to serve as
- receiving and relay stations for the movement in and out of the planet.
- It is easier for them to communicate in a physical way when others know
- their whereabouts. This in and of itself is not all that important, but
- it is another advantage for them to have those underground encampments.
- Mind you, they would remain on the Earth's surface if there was no chance
- of their being discovered. There are some activities on the surface in
- other areas, including one site in the US. But even there most of the
- activity is beneath the Earth.
- The Earth has allowed all of this because this is a zone of free will.
- The Earth has not appreciated the harmful vibrations from these places,
- anymore than she does from the human population. I will say that the
- intense vibrations from the negative ET's in these locations are many
- times greater than that of the general human population/ This is because
- in their own way, the ET's are at a higher vibration. This is not
- necessarily a higher positive vibration, but it is a higher vibration.
- Consequently, the harmful effects from these are felt even more. It
- is magnified many times, relative to the human vibration.
- I can tell of the smallest detail of what occurs within these camp
- enclosures, and what is their physically. What purpose would be served?
- None. You only need to know of their existence and the fact that they are
- not there in the best interest of humanity and Earth.
- You should also be advised that the negative forces have human agents who
- provide support and liason. Some of these have incarnated in the usual
- way. Others are what you would term "hybrids", who are part human and
- part their race of beings. There are also other humans assisting with
- the efforts. These have been subjected to intense mind control, and
- believe they are doing the right thing. Of course these are just as
- responsible for themself as are all others.
- Their are thousands of government workers or agents who do the "bidding"
- of the negative ET's. In one sense they are no different than Tom or any
- other teacher of the truths. However, one set of vibrations is positive
- and working to serve humankind, the Earth and the All. The others are
- self seekers and employ methods that meet their own objectives. The dark
- forces use whatever means necessary to serve their self interests.
- This is not intended to be a dissertation on negative ET's. There are
- many good channelings and other information available for these. It is
- my intent at this time to highlight that there are negative forces among
- you, and they are working in ways that would shock most people. Included
- in this is the behavior of your own government. Naturally each of you
- has the ability and power to overcome and, even redirect your energies,
- to completely offset the harm that is being done.
- I have told these forces to leave the planet because the Earth has chosen
- another path and does not want them here. Those who remain will realize
- the consequences of their negative vibrations upon the Earth. Many or
- perhaps all of those [ET's] in the physical will make their transition.
- This will be accomplished through the Earth changes I have already
- given. Those who remain and escape the physical Earth changes will feel
- the direct energies of the Earth and I. These energies will create
- certain stresses within their bodies. They are not equipped to counter
- or handle these types of energies. This in turn will create certain
- fatal ailments. I have asked all to leave, or to remain in a positive
- and loving way. They have been warned and have had the opportunity to
- depart without harmful effects. Those who are now here in the physical,
- will soon be feeling the effects of what I have spoken. For those who
- are of a negative vibration but do not choose to remain in a physical
- form, I tell you to leave and not to visit the Earth. Your harmful
- vibrations are not wanted by the Earth. Therefore, you are subject to the
- same directed energies as those presently here. These energies will
- indeed make it most uncomfortable for you. You, too, are no longer
- welcome on this planet. Leave and do not return.
- I love each of you and I love the Infinite Creator of all things.
- The Sun God
- About The Author
- The real author of this channeled text is the Sun God. There is some
- explanation of this loving energy in chapter 2. There is far more to the
- Sun than any human could know or have the comprehension to communicate.
- Tom accepts his own role for this book and feels honored to have
- coauthored this book.
- Thomas H. Smith was born in 1942 in Louisville, Kentucky and is the third
- of five children. He has remained in Louisville except for 1960-64 when
- he was in the United States Marine Corps. He graduated from the
- University of Louisville in 1971, where he earned a Bachelor of Science
- in Commerce degree, with a major in Accounting. Tom became a Certified
- Public Accountant in 1973 and has served in various accounting and
- management positions throughout his business career. Tom has two
- children, a son and a daughter.
- Tom became curious about parapsychology in 1985 and began to explore
- metaphysics in earnest in 1987. His initial interest was in
- extraterrestrial phenomenon, but it soon expanded to many of the other
- facets of spirituality. Tom read all of the Seth material and did not
- recognize the contection between the ET's and the spirit realm. Although
- he enjoyed others' channelings, Tom had no real interest in his own
- channeling abilities, even when he was told he would write and channel
- several books. In November 1991, Tom received his first telepathic
- channeling. Within three months, Tom was telepathically channeling
- several energies and the number grew to 47 by the end of six months.
- These included many of the ascended masters, many star beings, and of
- course the Sun God and the God Source. These energies channel through Tom
- on an individual basis and together as a single energy, who Tom refers to
- as the Blend of Loving Energies. The space friends asked Tom to start an
- ET discussion group which he and a friend agreed to do. Essentially all
- the information they share during these discussions is channeled from the
- space friends.
- ** End of Book **